Who gets the rings next? I have enough for two. I’m thinking Santa is one as I use him often even at 3/70, but is he good enough at 3/70? The last picture is of the reds I have maxed. Grazul, and Vanda just never made it because their special is similar to Garnets. None of these would replace a hero on my main D. So for war/raids/mono team. Thanks in advance for the input!
I agree, but it can be as your 2nd red team or off-color. Protection status is very valuable.
For me, it is between Guardian Kong or PiB, Kong with cleanse and hard attack all, PiB can be as healer and minion team.
If I were you, I would also check mana troop, if we have lvl17 mana, PiB only need 8 node.
Kong need +19 node to use mana troop lvl17 or mana lvl23 of course.
Santa is already OK at 3.70 as he is sturdy, so I think he can wait.
Guardian Kong and Vanda.
Hmmm, that actually might work very well. Thank you for considering synergies for mono a team. I ascended Lady Loki several months back because of the popular vote, and did not consider her conflict with Garnet. She rarely is able to cast back, and ends up being a low power hit all hero at average speed. I would not want to frustrate that more with Vanda or Grazul at the moment. Excellent feedback, thanks!
Maybe I’m meddling a bit but I’ve got vanda on 3/70 and i swear I hardly use her… I’m happy i haven’t ascended her yet.
I’d go for Anzogh and Yang Mai. Or Azlar if you get his costume
I use my Grazul all the time…not for healing but blocking the enemies’ status, super valuable. I’d go with Kong or Anzogh over Santa, that slow mana really is a drag sometimes.
I agree, but use Garnet for that.
I agree, but I have Garnet for that. A second would be nice once I get a solid 5* primary red mono team.
Totally right there, so wish I had Garnet. Then put me down for Not Santa or Grazul. Santa’s slowness is really noticable with all the solid reds out there. Good luck!
Here’s my top 5 troops. I’m trying to get one to lvl 23 before working on others. I have others not listed including ninjas.
For me it’s Vanda and Grazul. Don’t care that you have Garnett. Ailment block is amazing and to have three teams that have it would be killer. Kong is too weak defensively for me (I have him maxed), jury is still out on Yang, PiB could be ok but he’s susceptible to the many minion killers out there now…
Great,… my plan is 17-11-11 then 23-11-11, because VF rule I use 3-2 setup on ofense.
After that maybe will level 1x Ninja troop to make better score for titan and will be used for my highest red attack stat (currently emblemed Scarlett.CB).