Black Knight vs Garnet vs Elizabeth

Choosing between maybe the three best red heroes in the game. Good luck! Lol…

Personally, I would go Garnet, Black Knight, Elizabeth 1 2 3. But I have a fondness for the overhealth heroes and I dig my Garnet. Black Knight and Elizabeth are both pains. How you want to use her (red mono stack and maybe defense) is why I picked her. She’s a beast on offense as you get to control when to use her. Defense is good, but random. I’m tanking her right now and have been for a while. Works great, but maybe BK is a better tank for defense. Hard to say because it looks like you are doing the Sif tank in W formation. With Krampus and Bera already in the “flanks”.

I guess Garnet could replace Marjana on the right wing but that would leave counterattack and Bera’s minions as the only damage dealers. But the main benefit of Marjana in costume is her elemental defense down…which doesn’t do much in a rainbow defense. See how I can talk myself around in circles and never actually come to a conclusion?

Good luck!

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My defense stays around 2700 with that line up. I thought it needed more attacking as well but it does better like that.

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Thank you for answering my question. :slightly_smiling_face:

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As you probably already know, Krampus still takes damage every time he is hit. Whereas BK has 50% chance to drop received damage to 1.

And Krampus’ attack buff is capped at 50%, vs BK’s increasing attack buff.

Thus, I still think BK is better than Krampus too.

At the time of Santa’s Challenge last year, I do think that Krampus’ sorcerer class would be much less competitive for emblems availability, than BK’s barbarian class. Plus, it should be easier to summon a MN or Santa to benefit from the family bonus, compared to Avalon.

Should be, and RNG do not always match. Seriously, I got BK whilst hoping for my first Bauchan this past Avalon. :exploding_head:

The point is i saw that roster and answered according to their need who fits better in their…:innocent: Ofc Every hero has their own great ability in their particular section…
Another point is BK gets dispelled easily where as u cant dispelled krampus def up that goes upto 84 to 94%…
No doubt both are great but every hero has their own limitations
I have all of them with +20 emblem

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