Best formation?
Puss or grave?
Best way for freya?
Why would you put the cleric emblems on Snow White instead of Kunchen/Ariel?
Grave is far better than Puss.
Too much minions will make your defense prone to anti-minion.
Ariel freya tell grave drake?
… emblems freya?
I think that your team is already one of the best combinations you could do…
Just change their order to let them be nastier:
Drake Fong - Gravemaker - Telluria - Snow White - Freya
Other ble and purple candidates could be Sartana and Magni but then you would have to emblem them from 0 and realistically speaking an emblemed Onatel is way more useful than an emblemed Sartana on attacks, same for Kingston vs Magni.
Gravemaker is better than Puss in Boots and I would follow a DEF > HP > ATK path for Freya.
I did emblem mine, too, to +18. OP made it to +20 (though I see no significant benefit on the last 2 nodes IMHO). I did so because I saw the potential of SW’s skills. Imagine the total number of buffs, debuffs and status effects with Telluria tank, Vela, Gravemaker, etc. You need to emblem SW to increase her total damage and to survive even further for her skill to fire. I got Vela (2 of her) but decided to give scopes to SW first because of her potential. I just recently maxed Vela but with limited talent nodes because most of my Druid emblems are still with Alberich+19 yet. I am still hesitating stripping Albe of emblems because I use him as a safety net in my monogreen against Telly tank in raids.
Placing emblems on Kunchen is ideal and relevant when he was still considered as the best purple tank (if you don’t have Ursena) or made as war defense tank. If not, embleming him still from scratch is not a good investment of emblems, food and iron as he is slow and seldom used nowadays. Ariel is a good choice to invest emblems to. But I stripped hers to place them to my SW. Now I am embleming Ariel from whatever scraps I get everytime.
I agree. But who are the anti-minion heroes? Grimble? Gobbler? Captain of Diamonds? Not all players having them have them maxed. Some still have their Grimbles untouched or left at 3/70 and their Gobbler and CoD also untouched or at 3/60. Some even regretted maxing them as a waste of unfarmable ascension materials. I didnt even bother yet with my Grimble as I have other better purple 5 stars to invest my tabbards to. My Gobbler is still at first tier and i am just maxing my CoD because he is at fast mana and by reason of Razor giving him some degree of merit and justification.
Hi there,
There are some nice heroes, instead of suggestions I will provide this link: 5* heroes positioning guide
All the best.
If you aren’t using Boss Wold as a tank, you need to strip those emblems. Whether you like Alberich or Freya, they deserve to be bulked up over a tank that isn’t a tank.
I would go tanky/health route with emblems for Freya. I’m a bit odd though, I’m trying out a tanky Grimm
All the best.