Azlar better than Jean Francois?

There is no question he is MUCH worse than GM. But, how does he compare to Azlar? I see Azlar superior in having direct damage, stronger burn DOT, and longer burn. Fast Mana doesn’t seem enough to compensate for these deficiencies. What do you think?

You’re crazy. JF is underrated. Hes no Gravemaker that’s for sure, but nowhere near the bottom by Azlar. He’s pretty good IMO.

That defense flip skill is a great side-bonus effect.


I face off against at least a half dozen JFs for every Azlar. Slow heroes on defense are bad. JF and Vela combo is like every few teams as well. Drown and burn. Now with a Telluria in the middle.

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Azlar used to be king of the hill when it came out in s1. Despite being slow it was considered a good tank. What about players who have no Telluria and Vela?

Yeah I understand Azlar was great back in the day.

Most of the other players who are 2600+ who don’t have a Telluria+18 tank yet are using Kunchen, Ursena, or Guinevere. Those four cover 80%+ of my normal raiding anyways.

Very true, though I buck the trend and remain above 2600 with a Zimkitty +18 tank.

Vela is awesome, I agree. JF needs improvement to be a big threat. Underpowered. Burn only two turns. No direct damage. The flip effect is overrated. Pretty picture though…

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