Jean Francois vs S1 5* heroes

I will tell you why i maxed my jean francois over all the others even Marjana.

JF vs Khagan.
Here theres no contest. One is a fast hero with a dangerous DOT and a powerful def up ability.
What is more the elemental link so useful against green titans.

JF vs Marjana .
Lot of people lean towards Marjana . I dont. Why ? I have precios snipers in other colors. Marjana is powerful but only hitting a single target . Shes not match against JF when It comes to titans and quest/events.

JF vs Azlar .
Well… The lion is a powerful beast but again hes slow. It would be a rough choice here maybe with costume Azlar could beat to JF.

JF vs Elena .
Im not fond of Elena. She only has high tile damage but is absolutly squishy and slow .

What is your opinion? Do you consider JF worth the rings compared to classic ones?
I would not bring into the comparing to event heroes, other seasons and hotm reds because they may overwhelm JF(not all ofc)


Good question. I’m especially interested in comparisons between JF and Mariana (who I don’t have) and Azlar (who I have), I think they are the best two red S1 5*. And I still have mixed feelings on JF and I’m not alone, looking how long is “buff JF” thread.

Jean francois is an excelent all round hero. I want to say , for example , you have lot of versatility on him
A powerful DOT, Defense UP and hes very good on stacking because his elemental link .
I think hes better than most of S1 reds.

JF is not bad, I suspect most people are disappointed with his nerf, but he is still worth ascending. Especially with omnipresent Velas, who make Marj hit like a wet noodle, but don’t degrade JF’s attack power. I had a hard time to decide whether ascend him or QoH. Finally I went with Queen, but mostly because she’s my favorite hero and also because I got Sif before and her + Sif next to each other is killer combo in most stages.

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Elena can be very useful for players who struggle with hard event/quest levels. She has a very high tile attack, a decent special attack and her riposte causes tough bosses to lose lots of HP.

In 5* rush attack weekly tour Elena is a beast (although they admittedly occur only once every two months or so)

I would definitely ascend JF and not Elena if I had the choice. Nevertheless, Elena also has her merits🙂

Overall, I’d say it depends on one’s other heroes. Marjana is much less punishing than Joon or Lianna or some of the special snipers. Especially against highly emblemed and/or costumed heroes, she doesn’t inflict very much damage. So in most cases I think JF with all his special effects is the more interesting hero and I’d rather ascend him than Marjana (or any of the three slow ones).


If I don’t get GM in next Atlantis, I’m also between Marjana and JF (have Elena but not too impressed by her). Leaning to JF atm, but I don’t have a red sniper either… Finding it difficult to decide

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In this boat now. JF was my first HOTM but I gave rings to Santa my first 5* and then Lady Loki bc I love her. Now I just got marjana. JF 3-70 and marjana 1-1 but I have no red snipers except for scarlet who I’m just getting around to finishing up.

Who did you choose first and what are your thoughts @Meck

Hey @dez82. I actually got GM on just a few pulls so I went for him :stuck_out_tongue: Thereafter I went Marjana over JF as I already had a DOT.

Considering the heroes you have, I think I would still go Marjana as red lacks snipers and you have some AOE already. That would be great to finish heroes off when needed. She will also get a costume that seems to be great if you manage to get it. However, I am still intending to level JF eventually. Good luck!

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I have both, Marjana+18 and JF+10.

JF, on offense, is great as Second damage hero, he Will require another more powerfull hero to finish the job. The reverse defensive buff is amazing against CMagni, Isarnia, Kunchen, Frida, CVivica as suporte and the critical is very nice in a red Stack. In summary, he Works Very well on a stack red with a sniper (Marjana for example).

At defense, JF is better than Marjana imo.

Marjana Works Very well as sniper If you have a Second damage hero, or a deffense debuffer. Lady Lock and Marjana is better imo because your heroes.

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I use Jean Francois , +9 , defense and health path , on my defense and i can tell you he keeps me easily in Diamond around 2500 cups. Hes always flanking my tanks. In war he flanks Francine and in raids he flanks Ursena. Soon Krampus will be add to the mix.

In offense hes useful as well. Maybe you dont have a direct impact in the enemies like an AOE hitter but im sure that the critical boost works wonders in a red stack(titan proposes included) and the ice defense up works wonders against ice flanks

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@Lexxtarc @Arche @Meck Thank you everyone for your points. Funny I know snipers are awesome but I’ve becoming more of a DOT minion type of player. I love raiding w Bera Santa Alfrike Lady Loki and Crigs and have no problem w the current meta.
But that said my defense team is

Bera white rabbit alfrike magni lianna.

Red five stars in contention for rings : JF Baldur (both at 3rd ascension) or marjana or azlar (no costume) 1-1.

I should do rainbow right? At least that seems to be the consensus.

Could JF slot in my defense or it really looks like marjana is the best candidate for reds fast sniper with an alfrike tank right?

Y’all are so helpful thank you for your advice!

Last question: should I start working on marjana or start carol HAHAHAH

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Ok, in this case, JF is better than Marjana.

I don’t know about Baldur because I don’t have him. I don’t think he is a trouble when fighting against him. I like more JF.

JF is better than Azlar, the lion is better option If you get the custom imo.

JF is better than Marjana at defense. The DoT increase with emblems, trops and deffense bĂ´nus. At +20 with mana trops his damage is more than 400 at fast. His reverse defense debuff protect ALL team against Chacal, Misth, CVivica ( Yellow debuffer that can be used against Alfrike). His best place os the flank and I think yes, he can slot in your defense.

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Thank you @Arche this sounds more like me. I can keep Bera and have JF for double ailment damage and two snipers and a mana controller and protection from defense w magni defense up. Phew yes I love it!

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I love my JF. Now granted for a while he was my only red 5*. I was young and naive when I maxed him to get a 5* team leveled. I have zero regrets leveling him. In fact I use him daily on my red/blue team. I have more red 5* now yet he still makes the cut of being chosen for my attack team. He serves me well and is a nice addition to my roster. With all that said. I do wish he did initial damage. Kind of like vela. With all that being said I don’t know if I had chosen to max JF if I had other red options back then. I am glad I didn’t have anyone else because again he’s pretty useful.