I have been focusing on my titan teams and increasing my titan scores. My alliance is currently attacking lvl 10/11/12 titans. Based upon other threads in the forum, I have played around with my different teams to make sure I have the right heros, def down, increase attack, big hitters against a certain color. Now the question is, what order of heros should I hit the titan with?
Take the current example I used against a purple titan
I would wait for my heros to charge and I would start by hitting the titan with Guardian Jackel first to lower the titans defense. Followed by Miki to increase the teams attack. Then, I would hit with Guinevere, Joon and Leonidas. Guinevere increases defense of allies around her against purple. Joon and Leonidas are my hitters. Is that the right order of attack? Any thoughts from you 100k/attack hitters out there is welcomed!
Note - If there is a hero I should have in the lineup like Wu or Wilber, please let me know would you suggest I replace and the order I should launch the attack.