What Would My Best Titan Attack Team Be?

Ive been mixing and matching for a while, but no combination has really stood out as clearly dominant.

What base team would you use?

Also, do you stack heroes of opposite color against Titans?

It is a simple formula… Just try and match it with what you have.

Attack up with miki bertulf tarlak costume wilbur

Def down isarnia Wilbur

Elemental def down nordri frida falcon jackal sergei

Additional damage motega franz
Or crit up, gregorian, shaderreave

Attack up bold tusk costume rigard

And you can use items too open up a space… and just insert a high tile damage hero…

Color stack if you can… 5 red is better than rainbow.

For titans you want 1 thing: Tile damage.

Tile damage is increased by:

  1. Use a mono team of the colour strong against the titan. So blue mono against red titan etc. That means you will have 5 different titan teams, one in each color.

  2. Use heroes that: Lower enemy defense, preferable regular defense AND elemental defense. (the elemental ones are hard to get, so don´t worry about in the beginning), but try to find a defense down hero in each colour.

  3. Use heroes that boost attack, preferable normal attack (tile damage only) AND general attack (all attacks meaning skill and tile damage). Normal attack boosters are rare (so again don´t worry about it early on). Another rare skill is one that adds crit damage to your heroes. All 3 of those would stack.

  4. Heroes that change the tiles for higher damage, again a rare skill you will encounter later.

  5. Franz, so far the only hero that increases damage dealt, which stacks with all the above. So another rare skill to find :slight_smile:

In your case: The easiest skills that help you are Defense down and attack up. Try and find that combination in each colour. Btw attack up is also provided by a rather cheap to obtain item: bear banner, so if you are missing an attack boost hero in a colour, just use the item instead.

From what I can see you have def down in purple (treevil) and blue(Grimm) and you have attack up in red (Boldtusk), green (Brienne) and blue (Kiril).
Fill the rest of the spots with the heroes in the strong colour that have the highest attack value (which defines tile damage). Early on you probably also want to bring a healer in the strong colour. Treevil may be your only hero worth considering in every team (at least until you get defdown heroes in all colours), because he not only has a super strong defdown, but he at the same time protects your team with attack down and mana down on the titan. Use (small) mana potions to start him up faster.


Have a brouse