Atomos – New Atlantis Hero: First Thoughts & Discussion

Correction: One of my players has Atomos and DISlikes him. I shall ask her to drop by here and explain why. :wink:

Quite surprised he hasn’t been reworked yet. I think if you did a poll on worst 5* hero, he would rank as number 1 with a huge gap between him and whoever was chosen next. With his being an Atlantis hero, and with all other 5’s being so good, it’s beyond baffling he made it to us in this form.


7DD rated him a B :man_shrugging: so someone thinks he’s not THAT bad I guess.

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Not a huge gap…Mok-Arr is right there with him. Of course I have both. :roll_eyes:


Just as Atomos, 7DD rating system needs reworking. There are some rating there that just make no sense whatsoever. (There, now I can get some good old hatred, but it’s off my chest)

[Look, I’ve been trying to edit this not to sound dismissive. The Rating is an awesome tool. But it is just a tool and the game has seen an increased number of variables since I’ve started playing.

Plus, no rating system is perfect, no matter how much good work is put into it]


Has anyone really tested him with the whole family and formed an opinion?

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We have a teammate who runs the Atlanteans he has as his defense team.

When I asked why he did that, he said it was because the defense bonus was enough to keep him in low Diamond. And, yes, he does have a maxed Atomos even knowing he’s just there for the family bonus.

I can ask him for a longer, more detailed explanation, but I don’t think there’s one. He ran the numbers and wanted a defense team that could keep him opening Diamond Chests, plain and simple.

Pretty boring if you ask me, but… it actually works.

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My first, middle and last thought: I hate battling him…I lack the patience to continually go through the same scenerio while he comes back to life and repeats his special. lol dont have him…He is a beast on defence though. I battled him fully maxed up with talent emblems. I have several full five star teams and he was hard to beat.


After reading these comments realized I only played him in events. Guess I will intentionally attack teams with him in raids to see why people seem to dislike him.


@CorpseTiller did, in this thread. Scroll up :slight_smile:

Yes…I based my opinion of him on the events/champaigns. I am going to battle him in raids because I can’t understand the hate…but I also haven’t battled him when he didnt have 4000+ health lol

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I’ve been running an all 3/70 Atlantis-family team as defence for awhile to lull people into a false sense of security for AW whilst a few of them wait for Mats (Atomos won’t be getting any right now). They seem to hold the team around the 2200 cup mark which has cup dropped the team to a nice level that I can easily work up to Diamond for each raid chest.

Formation is: Triton, Atomos, Ursena, Ariel, Poseidon.
Team did much better with Ursena at tank than Atomos. Think Atomos only really contributes when people go in with a mono Yellow team but is unfortunate enough to set off Ursena for her full team wallop and then they have to hold their specials back ( I may be wrong but I don’t think yellow has a dispeller - unless I’m forgetting one) which means when Atomos does fire it is with the higher damage…

However if you ask me Gadierus is probably the better Atlantis family green, yes Atomos has better stats (then again gun to my head I’d give emblems to Gadierus before giving them to Atomos) and they’re both slow but Gadierus has better team synergy raising the attack of his two flanks and if Triton’s healing buff is in place the HoT is boosted. What partly annoys me is that Atomos is not much of a team player - which for some heroes is OK if they’re worth it in their own right - but I wouldn’t select him solo and he doesn’t help team synergy.

If I were to change his special I’d probably go for a combination of the current build at that card that leaked that never made it to beta. Two ways it could be done:

Way 1: Get rid of greater damage with more mana. Add in a medium strength HoT (the alpha version was too strong) for allies and -healing for enemies but make it so both are dispelled from all allies and heroes whenever he dies - regardless of whether he resurrects or not.

Way 2: Again get rid of greater damage to heroes with more mana but if Atomos does whilst his resurrection buff is in place both him and all of his allies get that high powered HoT from the alpha card - essentially a major booby trap if you kill him without dispelling.

Of the two I’d probably prefer the first option as on attack it is more predictable - wouldn’t want to be hoping you enemies kill him first to get a heal going.

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Who can have a whole family,? Quarter of a percentage?

There was a guy testing the whole family and he got way better result when he replaced Atomos with Gadeirus.

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Finally got my first atlantis 5*…Atomos. but after reading this forum i think he is really bad… May i have some advise. Atomos and Horghall who should i level?

And is fully ascend Atomos really that bad? :slightly_frowning_face:

I feel really sorry for you. Atomos is simply one of the weakest 5s of the entire game which i really dont understand since he is a rare atlantis 5, he is supposed to be good, but even some 4s outshine him. He is slow, deals very low dmg and his revive is only applied to him and dispellable. In his current state, dont waste any materials on him. I also happened to have the “luck” to pull him and the other pretty bad atlantis 5 Mok-arr so i know how you feel. I don’t have a Horghall so i cannot speak about him. My tc20 gave me Elkanens and Liannas.

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But still his ranking B is on par with other Atlantis 5* like Mitsuko, Poseidon.

Are we missing something?

I was thinking of using him beside Gadeirus in AW green team attacking

Atomos on pair with Mitsuko and Poseidon :smile:

They’re on a ranking. He’s just rank.

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He is so unloved. :frowning_face:

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I hate to even ask this, but is he worse than groot? I have both, and enough mats to ascend one. I have Ariel, if that matters, and all S2 3/4* other than wilbur (ouch). We see a lot of blue tanks in war, so there is value to me in ascending one (I also have maxed lianna, gregorian, evelyn). I am certain each could be valuable in the raid tourney as well, and I think Atomos would be better there.

Additional info: I am cheap to play with VIP and I buy the monthly atlantis deals and that is it. So I do pulls infrequently, usually when I save up for a 10 pull and then I pull what makes sense. I don’t sense I will be pulling much until Kingston comes up and he’s months out and I’ll be unlikely to get him so I don’t really want to sit on mats at this time.