What is this 5* Wu? Could explain more please
If they would have kept the critical block on him I would try for him. Without that he’s just another red attack all hero. Nothing special. Healing is nice but Zim heals a little and is much better
Anzogh won’t be the reason most people summon in April, but with Ariel & Poseidon in Atlantis (plus the returning HotM) at the end of this month and Teltoc happening too, there will be a LOT of summons done and plenty of Anzoghs joining teams.
As stated here (as an opinion), Anzogh can help most players improve their bench (maybe not most players posting here on the forum, but most players in the game). Tough to make a strong case for him on the main defense team since he is most effective with help from defense down allies before he fires and in red those are all also average mana too, so if he is tank, he fires first 99% of the time. On offense he could prove much more effective when timing is under player control.
Would Anzhogh be my #1 choice of all the Red 5* in the game, no. Would I be pleased to joined my team while I am pursuing Guardian Jackal, yes, absolutely.
(edited terrible grammar)
I think he looks like BoldTusk’s younger, cleverer brother. Clearly he’s gone to Wizarding school. I like the jewelry.
While I usually collect snipers, not AOE heroes, I like this mixed heal/dmg action.
There are a lot of powerful, average-speed red heroes. Building a superb mono team is easy, e.g.
Wilbur, Boldtusk, QoH, Falcon, Anzogh, Red Hood, G. Kong, Ares, Mitsuko
Lots of ways to mix and match those to leverage the elemental defense link.
He doesn’t resist atk down so do idea why zeline matters. His spirit link is just like frida and others in this series of hotm. He resist things like alasie and little johns effect
I haven’t been playing game as long as most, but I would think any attack reducing Hero would significantly impact his damage and healing capabilities. I know it’s really early but I think berdens and scarlets and those kind of heroes will make him squishy.
You’re correct. I mixed my symbols up.
lol I just fought him in a raid, and although he’s not super great, he’s not terrible. I didn’t realize he healed up at the time (maybe I should read the whole thing next time), but not really someone I’d put on defense. With the average mana speed, it’s easy to manipulate him into not firing. I’d rank him mid range for red heroes, but by no means an excellent red.
I have seen a beta HotM which is a 5* equivalent to Wu Kong for June I believe.
Even better than wu
Oh how many wus have I eaten lol
If special is correct does high % damage with miss chance that applies only when opponents health is lower. So he will be a titan killer.
Is it even allowed to be mentioning the one that shall not be named?
Yes, discussing beta content is fine, only images and video are disallowed.
It is, however, a bit off-topic for this thread — we can make a new thread for Ranvir when he’s closer to release to share info on what’s happening in beta. It’s super early at this point to presume that he might not change radically. Anzogh was majorly updated just days prior to release. We still have 2 months until Ranvir.
Lmao sneaky way to confirm a date but I’ll take it back to topic, I reiterate that anzogh is best suited at 3/70 for wars only
Why would he resit ailments that effect mana generation, but not those that stop it or steal it. That’s just dumb and confusing. So Hel, Proteus, and Onatel work on him, but not Natalya, Alaise, and Little John? Weird.
I’ve fought a ton of him over in beta. He’s a decent tank with crit troops. He’s also a decent flank. He’s a little squishy with mana troops, though.
He’s also quite nice with G. Falcon and/or Wilbur in a red stack on offense. But not a worldbeater as a hero. That’s ok. Not all HOTM need to be worldbeaters.
Any thoughts on anzogh ?. If any just yet
there will be ANOTHER HOTM that will resist those particular ailments. 2019 is the year of the status ailment resistances Can’t give em all to one hero.
Is anyone else turned out by his nipple ring? Kinda wanna see Danza with double piercings maybe a gag. and some leather. maybe then i’d use him.