Hi All,
Who we are:
We are loyal long term group of layers who has been in same alliance 2 years or more.
We understand there is a real life out there.
We tame 8 to 10* titan. We ask everyone to hit the titan.
We ask everyone to use same color tank but we do not require it. At the moment we use blue tanks.
We have 16 experienced players. Our level range between 40 and 80. We have P2P and F2P players. We don’t discriminate.
Our defense power range from 3K to 5K
Who we are not.
We are not competitive alliance. We do not try to score high in Mystic Titans nor Alliance Event. We score high enough during alliance event so anyone who wants play legendary event can play but that is pretty much it.
If anything above attracts you come and check us for a day, week, month or stay along for the ride.
Thank you for reading