Need advice. I’ve been playing just over two months. SH20 is building. I have spent a bit and have been lucky to get good 4*(no 5* yay) pulls that have enabled me to finish all rare events and all challenge events.
I’m in an alliance that kills 7* titans and skips 8* usually. I’ve got A grade for 3 rolls several times, a few by using flasks. But on the 7* I’m doing top 5.
My thinking is I should move up to an 8/9 alliance. I’ve no problem being the bottom player as long as I can get the 3Am rolls. Should I do so?
how active is your alliance and are they nice people?
that would be for myself the main question…
if they are very active like you (i guess you are 2months and SH 20) and try to get stronger, to be a part of it could be awesome, if they are nice too i would stay, cause you all gonna get stronger fast, and be ready for 8* soon…
if they are so lala active and not everybody hit the titan regularly , i definitely would consider a change,
that what i did a few months back, and i am happy now where i am… very active like i am and of course we have to skip too strong titans as well, but we are working together to get the 10* down regularly i the future…
and btw.:dont use your flask for just climbing(they are too rare for that), you gonna need them when your maybe new ally has to knock a stronger one down in the last hours, and then its teawmwork and a nice effort all together and most allies have a flask rule, just to use them when the boss says so
There are several aspects of being in an alliance. Titan, war, advices, and social. Some alliances are casual, others competitive or one of the thousand shades in between. The point is to have fun together, but that sometimes mean very different things to different people.
So the question is - are you having fun in your current alliance? If fun means growth in your vocabulary and you feel your current alliance is not growing enough, then move on on a decent way: not mid-war, nice to give heads up to the leaders.