Alfrike Bera or Panther?

Who should get next tabbards :thinking:?( attack only, in defence All spots are full with ninja trio plus Odin and frigg and don’t want to change them)

Thanks in advance !


I wouldn’t give up my Guardian Panther for all the tea in China. A Legendary hero in every way :muscle:


It is interesting to see how people think about these three hero. So, I create this poll for you.

  • Alfrike
  • Bera
  • Guardian Panther

0 voters


@u2371 That’s great! Thanks a lot!


If I had the same choice, would always choose Panther. Yeah, they all are great heros, but Bera and Alfrike can wait - however, there are parts of the game where Panther is just essential. :slight_smile:


I have similar problem except substitute Alfrike with Lepiota. It does not help that all three and also Alfrike offer unique skills. However, I am planning to do Panther because titans and in general her dark defense reduction debuff looks to be the most versatile.


Panther all the way. Elemental def down is powerful.


Panther makes [almost] all your other Purples better.


Out of the three, I only have Panther. However, Panther is still the only elemental defence down for dark.

If I had the choice, I’d choose Panther without hesitation. I value elemental defence down a lot.


Seems Panther must be the choice ! Thanks guys!


I have to go with Alfrike or Bera. I have Alfrike and when she goes out it’s game over. Panther isn’t as tough as she was with all the new heroes in the game IMO. I have no problem with her at all. Bera is a beast and I hate facing her. I wish I had Bera in my roster because she can do damage. I would say Alfrike first then Bera if it was my choice.

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I’d echo those sentiments.
You can use panther vs titans and in events without ascending her.
Personally I don’t think she is that great in pvp in either defense or offense.
Bera and alfrike have so much utility in every aspect of the game with alfrike being completely op in rush and very good otherwise. They would benefit from ascension more than panther imo


Hi, I own Panther and Alfrike. Both of them are maxed (+19 for Panther, +5 for Alfrike).
Panther is an essential part of my purple stack, and you will need her for titans. Her elemental defense down and her debuff are unique among purple heroes. She is not made for defense, though.
Even though Alfrike is a beast, you can replace her by another purple without problem. Most of the time, if she fires in attack, it’s too late and the battle is already done.


It depends if you can speed her up. I have her at 9 tiles because I run her with grimble.

In any pve the speed also doesn’t matter


I suppose Panther would be very nice for offense, and she will also be a significant contributor in titan battles.

After Panther, though, I’ll throw in there that a max level Alfrike for Very Fast events can be A LOT of fun! I have her and I unfortunately won’t be maxing her for several months, but I doubt there’s anything better to make you cackle like a sleep-deprived pyromaniac goblin on laughing gas with a very large new grenade. :wink:


No. Like a sleep-depr9ved pyromaniac goblin on laughing gas with five very large new grenades


Offense always comes first since not too much benefits come from defense.

Panther will be the definite choice.


Max them all and stop summoning til those 3 are maxed.


I don’t have Pather, but i recently had to choose between Alfrike and Bera. I chose Bera just for her minion mots. I decided I just love her looks and the mots (slow but steady damage). The game should be fun, so I chose fun over strategy :slight_smile:

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