Hello everyone,
I just wanted to create this topic to remind you all how important your defensive formation is.
Having some strong heroes in a strong team is totally useless if you can’t set a proper formation.
Let me show you an example.
I woke up 20 minutes ago & as always, checked who attacked me while I was sleeping.
My attention got attracted by a raid that got me to lose 19 trophies.
When I clicked on the attacker to see his defensive team & think if I could get my revenge, there is what I saw :
Alby as a tank ? Really ?
Just for your to know, there is my team :
When I saw Alby as a tank, what did I do ? Well, of course I attacked.
It has just requiered a few turn for me to kill his whole team.
Why ?
I didn’t get an awesome board, I didn’t get some full lucky tiles. I won because of Alby as a tank.
Remember that getting a full 5* maxed heroes is useless if you can’t think at least a bit about the order you put them in defense.
Never forget to check the skill of your heroes + their stats when you chose your formation.
Never forget that, at equal mana, skills go from left to right.
There is a lot to say about how to set a proper defensive team.
The point of this topic was just to show everyone how important it is & how hard you can lose against weaker players than you if you can’t do that.
I know that most of the players here know that, but if some new players read this a day, I hope that this topic will help you a bit & get you to think twice about your defensive team.
Cheers !
Edit : yesterday I won an other raid against someone with a 3 955 powerful defense team. Guess what ? He had Alby a tank. Please, stop put him as a tank. Just, stop.