I think we can all agree on this conclusion and I would propose it as a new thread title.
Let’s go for it then, changing it right now !
This post is why Alberich is a horrible tank. His entire persona is predicated on his ability to bring heros back. If he dies first, there is no purpose in having that ability. I attack Alberich in the middle every time. With gusto.
Glad to see that I’m not the only one who think that
No, it’s not. His value is in having attackers obsess about killing him (as you seem to), to boost his powerful teammates’ mana, then to die happily and watch their specials destroy the attacking team.
If and only if, the heroes are in capacity of doing it ! Alby as a tank with some “not dangerous” heroes next to him is pointless (for me)
Yes, true. Every tank needs dangerously heroes next to them, or they are pointless.
Yes !
But it seems that some people saw that Alby as a tank was a good idea & play him here without thinking if it will be a good idea in their own situation.
Just depends on what arena you’re defending in.
Platinum? Sure alby can work
Diamond? Deep benches, mono hitters, common zelines/kageburados/gravemakers, probly not a good idea. A year ago? Maybe. But there is a tougher competition in the top 1k than there was a year ago when we didnt have common 5* fast mana dispellers or very fast mana 5*.
But he’s a slow hero, Brobb. If I bring 3 reds against him, he almost never gets his special off if he’s in the middle. He’s 6 red tiles from being dead. I’m just saying, my experiences against him suggest he’s horrible in the middle and a massive pain in my *** on the wing.
Fair point, but also fair of every other tank. Perhaps we could change the thread title to read:
Every tank works well in some situations and not in others.
Of course, a hero position always depends the arena you’re fighting in & the hero you can bring against him.
I’m just saying that it’s not cause some people say that Alby is a good tank, that he is always. Depend a lot of factor & people should think about their own situation before just following some advices when it doesn’t really fit their situation
If you bring 3 reds against him you’re omitting at least 2 colours and will very frequently set off his special before you’ve done any real damage to any of my team. I’m delighted with that - you’ll lose before you’ve even started, with many boards.
You don’t color stack on raids?
If that player is in diamond
Alby magni khiona leonidas nat is probly how I’d go.
Maybe leo tank khiona flank but i think khiona buff is better applied to direct damage special skills
No. (Except for Guin tanks, although I am also beginning to change my mind about them.)
Colour stacking on raids is great when you are attacking teams stronger than yours, whom you hope to beat by getting favourable boards. You’ll win some you should have lost and lose some you would have lost anyway.
If you’re a late game player then you should expect to win every attacking raid anyway - why introduce the possibility that you will get a bad board and lose?
As a defender, I’ll happily accept all your losses, whatever the colour combinations of the attacking teams.
He had 2 595 trophies when I attacked him. I’d have set an other formation as well
For color stacking, I personally don’t. It’s full crap for me
But that’s the thing, I’m always attacking teams stronger than mine (unless it’s a revenge). To stay at 2600 to 2700 you gotta go for 35+ in each raid. Picking up 12 trophies is kinda meaningless. Either way, I win probably 8 out of 10 raids by color stacking. I don’t know that would ever do anything else.
And I suppose for the sake of full disclosure I’m a c2p player with only a handful of (very defensively minded) 5s over 19 months of game play. My team consists of 40+ 4s, only 1 HOTM and no event 5*s, so at 2600+, it’s hard NOT to be attacking a team stronger than me.
You do whatever works for you, and more power to you. I’m F2P (well, £2.99 spent) and have been playing for 23 months. I have 12 fully ascended 5* heroes, 10 of which are good and versatile, so - given the attacker’s advantages - there is no defence I would ever expect to lose to when using my most suitable rainbow team.
If I were to colour stack then I would buy myself a bunch of guaranteed losses. That’s a bad trade off for me, even if I get some easy wins out of it.