🕵 Akkorog – S4 Hero – 5* Holy/ Yellow: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

I’d agree with you @jkdevore. If they would switch the order of his ability I think he would be a much more effective hero. Cause if he did more than just hit (like mana or defense down, or other status effect) then the shuffling happening first could be justified to offset how much damage or effect he might have. As he currently is, the shuffling works against him too often. They would have done better to make him a strong sniper so it wouldn’t matter as much when the shuffling happened. As he is now, the hitting three people after the switch counts against him more than seems necessary.

Is there a place to recommend it be switched? Maybe the Ideas category?

Imagine this, there is 4 left and you hit the 1 in the middle of the 3 and then with the shuffle, the 1 you targeted goes into the corner all by its lonesome. I’d be pissed going WTF. At least if the shuffle is after the hit, you would get the 3 hits unless its C Kadelin and then all 3 would dodge

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There we go. Maybe having it as an idea to vote on will help it gain momentum. :slight_smile:

If the middle three heroes are dead, is it possible to rearrange the wing heroes so they’re next to each other? Or can only living heroes be moved?

It is possible, but the probability is not very high.

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Thank you. Did the math on it happening. The chart below shows possible positions for hero 1 to relocate to (random). 2 represents the second hero when it is adjacent to the first.

Position Wing Flank Tank Flank Wing
Wing 1 2
Flank 2 1 2
Tank 2 1 2
Flank 2 1 2
Wing 2 1

There are 20 (5*4) possible reorderings based on two heroes. 8 result in adjacent, 12 apart.

So 40% chance his special improves the outcome.

I get that your can’t control what ends up happening, but I haven’t seen anyone discuss his use beyond the opening. Seems like gets better as the match goes longer as you have chances to put two heroes next to each other setting up future hits.

Now this comes with other downsides and may not be enough to overcome the need at the beginning.

Hope I did that math correctly.


Let me verify your math by checking it the other way.

Assuming that each hero have equal chances to appear in any place.

Assuming standard or reverse formation.

If the first hero appears on wings (40% of cases), there is only one spot available for the other hero so they can be adjacent, and there are 4 other spots, so it will be 25% of chance
If the first hero appears on flank or tank position, (60% of cases), there will be 2 adjacent spots, so the chance will be 50%.

Combining conditional probabilities, we will get: 40% * 25% + 60% * 50% = 40%, so your math is correct.

Let’s consider double formation.

If first hero is in the tank position (20%), any other spot will be adjacent, so the chance is 100%.
If it appears on a wing or flank (80%), there are 2 adjacent spots, so the chance is 50%

Same logic for reverse double.

Therefore, total probability is 20% * 100% + 80% * 50% = 60%

So Akkorog’s reshuffle will improve the situation in 60% for double formations.

Update: fixed math for double formation

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But again, who cares about formations as long as it’s raid only

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The chance is 50% not 75% because

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After finally using him in a fight at 3:70 today I was so disappointed that I had to lay out my thoughts on what is wrong with him. Was an interesting fight…

The thoughts are in another post if anyone is interested.

But essentially the shuffle feels like a detriment to his overall usefulness to prevent him from being OP that his other stats and skills don’t warrant. Not to mention he hurts other hit three heroes on your team as well with the shuffle.

Had originally thought he would be better if the shuffle was reordered to follow his initial hit. But now I’m thinking that he could be a great hero if the shuffle was reworded. Something along the lines of shuffling enemy heroes but then also clumping them together. This way the shuffle could be a benefit in that it would always bring heroes together to make sure he hits 3 (or 2 if only 2 left on board or if the target moves to wing) and other hit 3’s would then benefit from it. Could be a good new mechanic that isn’t OP.


Tbh he works the best at +20. He still hits like a truck even with 2 targets on defence.
I’ve mentioned it before, reshuffling is too niche of a skill and a skill like this needs to be way more inclusive to be useful. Imagine him not only shuffling enemy positions but also formations as well. He can then mess around with teams that require certain formations to work properly
Or they can rework how he deals damage to make it more inclusive to his reshuffling niche.

  • deals 600% damage to the target and nearby enemies. The base damage is shared amongst all hit targets

By doing this, he is more versatile and there is a unique correlation to his skill. The lesser the targets he hits, the more damage he deals. Not to mention he would be a titan powerhouse with 600% damage and high base attack

LOL that’s funny, he would be the hugest piece of crap when hitting 3 or more heroes, not bad at 2 and the hardest hitting sniper if you get lucky to hit only 1.
No that’s not realistic.

And shuffle formations would make sense only once formations are also available in tournaments and wars. And that would probably make him quite OP tbh.

I like skills that can form some correlation with each other.

And it is in a way balance since he has such high attack, he would fulfil the role of late game finisher since he can beatdown any single target with ease with that massive sniper tier damage. Plus, he has that passive ability anyways.

He will also make for a really fun gamble hero in a way. He either hits for very low AOE damage, medium range 2-3 target damage or stupid high sniper damage. And with his ranger effect, even with a defence buff you’re not safe.

He wouldnt be OP at all no matter what they did to him. The reshuffle makes him worse by alot. I have him sitting at 1-1 and thats where he will sit. I ran across him 1 time and thankfully with my 1 dead hero, he hit only 1 hero. He basically did enough to save a win for me

Yeah honestly m I don’t think he does enough to ever be OP. But if his shuffle would shuffle would bring everyone closer around the targeted hero that would be a nice benefit that might be a strong addition for him.

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He does hit hard but the only way I could see ever using him is if he reshuffled after the hit on the new raid formations.


So I just got him instead of professor (thanks game -.-) and does anyone who maxed him have videos on offense against double formations? Was wondering whether he would hit more targets there.

Any info would be appreciated. Not planning to give him darts yet, will probably fight Mica for them :joy:

I have the Same Struggle between Mica and Akkorog. Let’s Team up. I’ll give my Darts to Akkorog and you give yours to Mica. After that we share Videos. Deal?

Akkorog vs Elena

Was able to move Elena all over the place. Held on to his special during the game to let Alfrike hit first. Random-yes, replicable all the time-no, fun when it works out-definitely!

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Would have been great if he could use 3 hits to a taunted hero like Krampus. Just hit him
3 times😀