🕵 Akkorog – S4 Hero – 5* Holy/ Yellow: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Well I get to be part of the conversation now :joy:

Not really the top of my list for wanted heroes but 10 coin pulls getting a unique is never going to be sniffed at. My portal luck lately has been insane…

Agreed on the above that new formations make him interesting again. He’s a bit of random but in my mono-yellow offence he will have a place for sure. I don’t mind a little random in my life.


With new raid formations how much his value increase ? I’m going to push another holy soon , just giving him a second look , thanks


I fought maxed moreau and akkorog on defense and recorded my 3 fights for documentation purposes.

and realized that even if he groups 3 seperate heros together he still has only a 33% chance to hit all three because there is a 2/3 that the target ends in the corner, see 1:35 mark.

that is from my point of view really bad.

He hits hard due to his stats alone and one time special effect. But the most you can hope for is hit 2 on average.

I think he should have been either a hit all hero with a bit lower damage, higher damage on hit 3 as high risk high reward or shuffle after the hit, because the way he is now the shuffle feels most time like a disadvantage.


What about upcoming double defence formations? He should be able to hit them all + he should break the concept of certain defences, like Sif or other riposters in the middle. Could be quite useful, strategic hero.

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Are we shure that he would hit all in any spot?

It is my understanding that he still would have to hit a certain spot for that to work. As it is random where the main target lands i am not sure if this would help him at all?

What are the chances for him to hit all 20% or 40%?

I the double and reverse double formations, he would hit all heroes if the target ends up in the middle spot, 3 heroes if he hits a “flank” and 3 heroes if he hits a wing.

Less of course if there are dead heroes.
But at least that makes him way better in those situations.

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thanks, clear hit 3 in any case is certainly big improvement.

Sure. But on the other hand they are only in raids, and who cares about raids?
You mostly want good heroes for war, titan, tournaments and possibly events, not for raid.

But I guess they will show up in tourneys or wars in a bit

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Some heroes need to be nerfed but some of them loke Akkrogg really needs to be improve.

Assuming that he re shuffles the board before hiting means that if the tank is already out he will hits

  • 1 hero 33.33%
  • 2 heroes 33.33%
  • 3 heroes 33.33%
    => so an average of 2 heroes

Other heroes like Dr Moreau ; Drake which is quite old hits 3 heroes 100% if they are in the board + 35% chance to affect the accuracy!!

Akkorog just re arrange the position it looks like it the compensation is less than small !!

Be realistic do something !!!

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The fact that he was supposed to be hitting 300% on all during beta and was nerfed to 280% for no reason, SG clearly thought too highly of this hero

How is it 100% to hit 3 heroes?

He probably means to hit all three targets 100% of the time

If a flanc or wing is missing ! Drake will hit 100% of the 3 heroes Akkorog not + 35% that will affect accuracy.
Akkarogg will have only 66.66% chance to hit 3 heroes in that situation + no compensation !

If people are complaining and that his “grade” is not good at all that is for some reasons

Sorry guys my english is not perfect i am french

Hope my post will help
Have fun

I wish (because it’s highly unlikely) they make him go all out with the reshuffling. Other than positions, force a team formation to switch to a different one as well. Imagine forcing a reverse formation into a reverse double so your hit three hero can now hit all targets. Or a double into a standard formation so that buffs to neighbors can no longer apply to all.

I think he’s not THAT bad of a hero; I have mine maxed and he’s really fun and have a funny skill animation. He also comes in handy when you’re in situations where only the wing heroes are left and you have a chance to group them together for his skill to hit both heroes or set them up for your hit 3 heroes. Also, the rearrange can move enemies around to alter your ghosting lane(s) or move them to a position for your tiles to hit them. Not saying that he’s a must have; but there are ways that this hero can be useful.


That’s what I want to say :+1: :100:

That is a great idea especially with the new defences options !! They should do something for sure ! :+1:t3:

Sooo what would you choose between Akkorog, Mica and Uraeus? I have Elizabeth who synergises with Uraues and Akkorog and 2 other ninjas (Onyx and Cobalt) who have synergy with Mica. I have 2 sets of darts so I am going to max two of these, which one first which second? Looking for someone to swap Joon in defense as well as good attacking hero

Uraeus is a great hero

Until they change the hits 1st and then shuffles the defense, unfortunately, Akkarog has more downside with his special than upside. Hits like a mack truck due to his stats but taunt prevents the shuffle. GO with Mica, who I have and love and Uraeus. Those are 2 very good heroes

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