3* and 4* Heroes worth keeping duplicates of!

There are some great threads on this topic but they are all ‘pre-historical’ (pre-tower events and pre-MT)!

I’ve been playing E&P for nearly 2 years (I started playing in July 2020). Back then, Vivica and Rigard-C were the best healers and there was Atlantis (can’t remember if there was Valhalla!!).
We didn’t have Ninja Towers / Magic Towers / Mythic Titan!

But here we are now with too many heroes / too many events / too many special skills! And pretty much the same roster space!

I’m sure we are all struggling with our roster space….

Are there any 3* / 4* heroes worth keeping duplicates of - in this ever changing meta?

Healers - one can never have enough of them

EDD heroes - essential for MT

Anti-minion heroes! 2 Gobblers? 3 C-Gormeks?

Rush-attack: 5 Treevils? 5 copies of Franz?

How many copies do you keep?

What’s your strategy ?

@Staff_SGG…… any thoughts about increasing our roster space - now that we have to keep every single copy of a duplicate 5* for SE; keep 6 copies of EDD heroes for MT; one billion heroes for tower events etc :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::upside_down_face:

In summary; which 3* and 4* are worth keeping duplicates of? (Yes, we are keeping duplicates of every single 5*)


Keep a bunch of Miki and Alrike for rush wars!


You lucky!!!

I wish I had Miki! And a second Alfrike lol

And the thread is about 3* and 4* heroes :joy::rofl:

I’ve changed the title! That was ‘my bad’ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Melia is good for purple mythic titan. You should max 4. Franz I maxed 6 of also. Wilbur costume, Sun, many 4* will get the nod. Even D’andre for purple tanks is a great yellow healer.

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I’m keeping. I’m keeping copies of heroes who (I think) are ‘special’ and ‘timeless’

  1. Nordri
  2. Gullinbursti
  3. Falcon
  4. Jackal
  5. Franz
  6. Treevil
  7. Bertulf
  8. Kvasir
  9. Ferant
  10. Almur

I’ll add Melia to the list
And Jott :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


2x Yao for blue team
2x Treevil
2x Gunnar: one normal and one with costume

Gullinbursti: I have him maxed X3
Wang Juanji X2
Caedmon/Sonya/Rigard/Sabina/Kiril: normal and costume for all

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In my roster at the moment:
3*: Now only 2 Treevils, one LBd+20, second during training.

  • Caedmon(w/costume) one 4.75+20, second 4.70+20,
  • Melendor(w/costume) one 4.75+20, second 4.70+20,
  • Boldtusk(w/costume) one 4.75+20, 2x 4.70+0
  • Sonia(w/costume) one 4.75+20, second 4.70+0
  • Boril(w/costume) one 4.75+20, second 4.70+20

One Boldtusk and the second Boril are to be fed, I never use them.

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Dupe carol for towers. And no, I’m not joking. I believe she is one of the more OP heroes for the towers, that’s if you’re not chasing score.
Rare blessing to give mana to all with every skill cast and your twin carols will feel like a discount 4* xnolphod.

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If only I had cleric emblems, I would make 3 Lady Woolertons (or up to 6, but I fed the rest because I know I will never have emblems for 6, 3 maybe one day) :smiley: but I have to stick with 1 atm because I can’t emblem more than 1 :frowning:

Also G.Falcon and G.Jackal are so worth to have dupes of, unless you are lucky to have c. Marjana & c. Leonidas

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Yao and/or karil w/costume
Gunnar w/costume

Xiahou Dun
Wang Yuanji
Kiril w/costume
Rigard w/costume
Boldtusk w/costume
Wilbur w/costume

These are the ones off the top of my head I either have dupes of, or I will be leveling another one soon.

I know this isn’t about 5s but I just wanted to mention there are currently only 4 I could and would give mats to a second time. I have a lot of heroes backed up in every color, but these jump the line immediately. Xnolphod, Ludwig, Ariel costume and Ruby. Any other 5 dupe is going into the exchange or will sit for eternity lol. If you notice, all of them may be the most extreme forms of mana gain/control in the game. If Sifs costume stays the same, she’ll jump on the list too. Mana is king. Cheers!

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That’s just a great list

And I’ll add
Sabina-c to the list; if I may !! My fav hero of all times


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great topic @Luna and thanks, it’s made me rethink and feed away a hero or two :wink:

re dupes. just some thinking from my part…

for 3*: I only really need dupes for Mythic Titan. I know that those with smaller rosters will need them for Tavern or Towers, but personally I have enough 4* that I can start those with 4* from stage 1 (and also for Towers, I only use free flags anyway!)

For Raid Tourneys and Events, I know there are some “optimal” heroes, but I figure: instead of having two Poppy, I can make do with 1 Poppy and 1 C-Bane. I can sub C-Gunnar in for Ulmer for defense debuff, meaning I can use Ulmer in costume to boost attack

So my only dupe 3*:

  1. Nordri (for EDD vs. Mythic Titans when I want to use two Blue teams)
  2. Treevil (because he just outclasses all my other Purple defense debuffers - and indeed most of my other defense debuffers! so will be useful for Mythic Titans)
  3. Tyrum (but only because I have his costume, and sometimes I bring both Tyrum and Tyrum-C together for Raid Tourneys. if Gill-Ra were faster though, I’d feed one Tyrum away as she cleanses too…)
  4. Bertulf (I have 3, all for Mythic Titans :slight_smile: )

healers are not included, because if I want two at a time for Raid Tourneys I would go 4-1 or 3-2…

for 4*

I keep more dupes here as they see use in Tavern, Towers, War, 3 Kingdoms, etc., etc., etc. There is still a decent amount of overlap, which is why e.g., I fed away a dupe Tiburtus recently as I have 2x Treevil now… also dupe Grimm-C, as I just combo him with Kiril instead

Generally, healers, EDD and mana controllers are my picks here. Have a couple of fast snipers who also dispel/cleanse. So my dupe 4*s now are:

  1. Proteus
  2. C-Rigard
  3. C-Sabina
  4. Lady Woolerton
  5. Jackal (for Mythic Titans mainly)
  6. Kiril
  7. Sonya-C (I do have Iris now as another dispeller, but I still like having two Sonyas for their speed in Tourneys! sometimes use them together!)
  8. Brynhild (mainly for Buff Booster, I use them together!)
  9. Caedmon-C (same reason as Sonya, even though for normal raids I have Melendor-C for dispel and Francine for cleanse)
  10. Hansel
  11. Kashhrek-C (mainly for upper floors in Towers, as he is my only overhealer 4* or 5*, if I get Gullinbursti I may drop one)
  12. Melendor-C
  13. Boldtusk-C

I really have a lot of Green 4*, and am tempted to trim some down :stuck_out_tongue:

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The only reason I didn’t put C Sabina on the list is that her survivability is not awesome. Otherwise, she’s absolutely amazing!

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Check out:

Poll for Best 3 Star Heroes By Colour

Poll for Best 4 Star Heroes By Colour

If anyone else could help vote, it would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: