3* heroes that aren't worth keeping?

Hi everyone, I do appreciate that probably every 3* hero has a use but I’m also thinking that some are more practical/useful, than others which might be more situational and not an everyday choice.

So any thoughts on 3* heroes that you could do without? Or wouldn’t invest the effort in growing them?

Cheers in advance

As I was asked this same question in my alliance, just yesterday, I will pitch in a little here too.

There are no 'useless" 3* heroes as their use depends on your roster, your play style, and the settings when they’re used. Slow heroes are great in VF tournaments, healers are useless in bloody ones, and so on.

MY OWN strategy is to fully emblem and limit break 6-8 rare heroes for each element as follows:

  1. One healer. Preferably with secondary skills.
  2. One tank.
  3. Four offensive heroes with decent damage and good secondary skills.
  4. One or more niche heroes for special events/tournaments (e.g. Treevil)

I also give priority to S1 heroes with costumes if one of their versions is a Monk, Sorcerer, or Druid class as the costume bonus combined with the 20th mana node is enough to charge them in 6 tiles in VF tourneys (remember, you cannot use mana troops for 3* and 4* tournaments or events).

Another priority is the minion summoners as very helpful in bloody tourneys.

Whatever was left after this, became fodder for others to create roster space. But again, those that were useless for me, aren’t necessarily so for everyone.


this is a good post to review as well


In short, the only thing I will say is that vanilla S1 3* heroes are not worth keeping if you need the roster space.
I say that because they are so easy to come by these days. So you can afford to focus on something else.
It does and will make a difference if you get their costume. That’s when I locked them in and levelled them up.
Good luck


I don’t keep any copies of


All of those heroes are useless to me and I have much better alternatives to use.


The first hero i can think of is Vlad.


I’m getting duplicates which I’m using to feed but seem to have collected a fair few 3* and your ideas have been helpful, thanks all.

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