Are any of these 3* duplicates worth keeping?

Hi, I’m a relatively new F2P player so I don’t have a lot of maxed heroes. I have a few good 4* heroes, but they’re not maxed all the way (and no 5* ones). I’ve been trying to focus my efforts on getting my 3* heroes levelled up so I have a deep enough roster to compete in wars, but I’m struggling with which ones to keep. I’m running out of space, so someone’s got to go!

I have quite a few duplicate 3*s, so I’m trying to figure out which ones are worth keeping dupes of and which ones I should feed away. Hoping to get some advice, as I’m a little paranoid about feeding something away that I might later regret. Here are some of my options. (Note: I’m only listing ones where I have duplicates; I’m not ready to feed away any of my unique ones just yet. Also, all the dupes are unlevelled.)

Bane: I have 1 extra. I do have his costume, and my fully emblemed Bane is super useful, so I’m thinking I may want to keep the extra as a backup.
Azar: I have 1 extra. Again, I have her costume, so maybe worth keeping an extra?
Nashgar: I have 2 extras. I do have his costume, but do I really need 3 of these guys?
Ulmer: 1 extra
Gunnar: 1 extra
Gato: 1 extra. I just got both of my Gatos in the latest Atlantis summon. Neither of the ones I have are levelled yet, so I’m not sure how useful he is.
Brienne: 2 extra. Again, I’m thinking having 3 might be too many.
Carver: 1 extra
Muggy: 1 extra. Probably will keep this one for now, since I just got the second one and I’m curious to see what multiple levelled Muggies can do on a team.
Jahangir: 2 extra

I’m leaning toward ditching the duplicates for the ones that are slow (Jahangir, Ulmer, Gunnar) and maybe one Brienne and Nashgar since I have 3 of those, but I’m not sure.

Also, I’ve read advice that says to not feed away any heroes that are levelled, but I do have a few 2* heroes that are at various stages of being levelled and I’ve been considering ditching them to free up space. I know it’s a “waste of resources” but if they’re so weak that I realistically can’t use them, why keep them?

Thanks in advance!

Hey, welcome to the game and the forum :slight_smile:

I would suggest:

Bane: + Azar + Nashgar: you can keep 2, they are fast mana speed + have costumes

Ulmer: + Gunnar: wouldn’t keep a dupe, if you pull their costumes you can keep a second one (their costume versions are much better :slight_smile: )
Gato: why not, He’s a solid sniper…

Brienne: + Carver: 1 is enough of each, if you get their costumes you can check again when you know which one you use regularly (brienne will be def down with costume)

Muggy: 2 could be fun, but I would rather split them on 2 teams in war…
Jahangir: same as for Brienne + Carver :slight_smile:

Good luck in your progress!


The only 3* I double maxed so far is Kvasir. Yes, it’s deffinitely worth maxing him twice.

I am not a pro by a long shot, but I am sitting more or less in the same boat as you :slight_smile:

What I would do in your place (which is basically what I have done myself): Season 1 heroes will always come by again later, they are just so ubiquitous everywhere, so no matter if you give one away, you will get them again later. Keep all the non standard heroes, they are much less likely to come back. I only have 1 Muggy (not levelled) and 1 Gato (maxed). So can´t say about Muggy, but Gato is definitely better than most of what you can get in Season one. Nice damage, nice extra ability, but dies a bit easily (if you don´t have emblems).
Costume heroes are also always better than non-costume ones (well not always, but generally speaking). Because of the stats upgrade they get from the costume. And because of the change in special ability, it can be even useful to have a copy maxed out, so you can use them together. That isn´t true for all costumes, but for some certainly, like Brienne and Gunnar. So keep your copies of the costumes (at least longer than the non costume ones). Well I don´t think you´ll want 3 of them though unless you really have absolutely nothing else to upgrade, but that isn´t your problem :slight_smile:

Ulmer and Jahangir I have 1 each and I try no never use them outside of war (I currently have 28 heroes, so soon I hope I can start phasing out the most useless ones, like Dawa lol, but Ulmer and Jahangir will get a lot less use soon after as well). They just always die before they do anything useful. Too slow and to bad defensive stats to survive as long as they need to. I guess if you can fully emblem them, it would change matters, but you´ll have to choose carefully where to use emblems… Improve mediocre guys to make them good or take good ones and make them awesome?

Definitely get rid of all the 2 star heroes first! You´ll never use those! Well you might until you have 30 heroes for war, but that´s it. I got rid of mine long ago. I think even non-upgraded 3 star heroes will do better than a 2 star with a few extra levels on them.

Depending on how much space you want to make, I would keep Gato, Muggy, Bane, Nashgar and probably Azar (no idea what her costume does) and get rid of the rest. Brienne and Carver I would say are the more useful ones of the others seems they should both be very useful for wars.

My fav hero of them all is Gunnar (I have mine with full emblems) and still use him on my defense team together with four 4* heroes. I just don´t see much point in having a copy. When I get the costume I might upgrade a copy though. But I have tons of blue heroes to work on, so no point upgrading one just in the hopes of getting a costume later that maybe never shows up.

That´s at least how I think about my team… hope it helps you figure out what you want to do :slight_smile:

Believe me, I would be ecstatic if I could manage to pull even one Kvasir. Maybe someday!

Thanks! What you’re saying is pretty much in line with how I was leaning too. I don’t know a lot about what the different costumes do (aside from the ones I have) so that’s good to know that Ulmer and Gunnar have much better costume versions.

Thanks for the solid adivce, @Gargon !

That’s another reason I was considering keeping dupes for both Muggy and Gato. I figure they’re a little harder to come by, and it would be easier to get more of the season 1 heroes if I wanted them later.

I’ll probably keep Layla at least for a little longer. I do still use her occasionally, but the others I never use, so I do think they’ve outlived their usefulness.

Some of these are worth having two of once you get their costume (specifically, Ulmer, Gunnar, and Brienne), but each costume comes with another dupe of the base hero too, so that’s not a reason to keep any current dupes.

Of the ones you have, I’d say those most likely to be useful dupes are Bane, Azar, Nashgar, and Gato - the fast snipers. (And Gato is the best of the ones you have, IMO.)

I wouldn’t bother keeping the other dupes, and I don’t think you should hesitate to feed away your leveled 2s, once you’re done using them in favor of 3s/4s/5s as your roster continues to grow.

Last bit of advice, unrelated to your actual question: Don’t hesitate to buy more roster space with gems when you need to. It feels expensive, but it’s SO worth the QOL improvement, IMO.

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Hi there, there is nothig wrong to use a 2* (max levelled) until you have a better 3* alternative. The only 2* I kept for quite some time was exactly Layla due to the fact I was not having a suitable lila shooter like Balthazar or Tyrum.

Good luck!

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@gregschen Thanks for the tips. I did buy some more roster space a few weeks back, and it helped some, but as a F2P player, it’s hard to part with those gems. I will probably have to expand it again soon though.

@SporadicPilgrimage12 I just pulled Balthazar a few days ago (and then promptly pulled a second one somehow) so I’m going to work on levelling him up. I think Layla’s days are numbered.

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Balthazar is a good one :slight_smile: Depending on how it goes for you with other purple heroes you may even want to level both of them!

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