Hi, I’m a relatively new F2P player so I don’t have a lot of maxed heroes. I have a few good 4* heroes, but they’re not maxed all the way (and no 5* ones). I’ve been trying to focus my efforts on getting my 3* heroes levelled up so I have a deep enough roster to compete in wars, but I’m struggling with which ones to keep. I’m running out of space, so someone’s got to go!
I have quite a few duplicate 3*s, so I’m trying to figure out which ones are worth keeping dupes of and which ones I should feed away. Hoping to get some advice, as I’m a little paranoid about feeding something away that I might later regret. Here are some of my options. (Note: I’m only listing ones where I have duplicates; I’m not ready to feed away any of my unique ones just yet. Also, all the dupes are unlevelled.)
Bane: I have 1 extra. I do have his costume, and my fully emblemed Bane is super useful, so I’m thinking I may want to keep the extra as a backup.
Azar: I have 1 extra. Again, I have her costume, so maybe worth keeping an extra?
Nashgar: I have 2 extras. I do have his costume, but do I really need 3 of these guys?
Ulmer: 1 extra
Gunnar: 1 extra
Gato: 1 extra. I just got both of my Gatos in the latest Atlantis summon. Neither of the ones I have are levelled yet, so I’m not sure how useful he is.
Brienne: 2 extra. Again, I’m thinking having 3 might be too many.
Carver: 1 extra
Muggy: 1 extra. Probably will keep this one for now, since I just got the second one and I’m curious to see what multiple levelled Muggies can do on a team.
Jahangir: 2 extra
I’m leaning toward ditching the duplicates for the ones that are slow (Jahangir, Ulmer, Gunnar) and maybe one Brienne and Nashgar since I have 3 of those, but I’m not sure.
Also, I’ve read advice that says to not feed away any heroes that are levelled, but I do have a few 2* heroes that are at various stages of being levelled and I’ve been considering ditching them to free up space. I know it’s a “waste of resources” but if they’re so weak that I realistically can’t use them, why keep them?
Thanks in advance!