2 active players are looking for a new alliance. We were in Farmer Ben’s alliance but recently he has retired from the game. Also others stopped or left or dont come online anymore, we are the only ones still active.
We are looking for a friendly international alliance that keeps it fun. We are f2p/c2p.
Our defense teams are around 4400 and 4600. Our levels are 58 and 67.
Mythic titans and alliance quests are not our thing but war is so we are looking for an alliance that uses all war flags.
Titan Butcherz are your team. We would be happy to have you. Check out our posts and decide whether we would be right for you
Check us out over at Faithful Defenders!
We are a laid back crew, but use all war flags!
Check our alliance BLUE DAEMONS - really international team, active, easy going and no drama. We would love to have you we might be the home you are looking for. Currently 10* titans and starting a new war chest today… Go for 100% rewards
Ace Nation has players from all over the world and is a mix of everyone from F2P to P2P. everyone respects everyone else’s decision to spend or not, and there’s absolutely no pressure to spend a dime, even when it comes to alliance-wide offers like Mythic Titan or Share the Gems.
we have a system in place to ensure people use war flags, and players are good about using them.
our war defenses range from 4k to 5k. we run purple tanks.
we are casual Mythic Titan players and Alliance Questers.
11-12* titans. chat is usually buzzing with players asking about heroes or talking about IRL stuff or having a laugh and just getting away from it all lol.
@Jan250611 …. Check us out at British Empire and give us a try. You have nothing to lose.
Currently hitting 10/11* Titan
Won the last couple of wars easily
Currently use a Green Tank in war
Friendly, relaxed alliance. Lots of good people to provide any help required. Good in chat. Active players
Line available but not mandatory.
If you need any more info just shout up. Good luck
Man, there are a lot of alliances hunting for new members . We have a group we made at the beginning of the panny, Corona Solutions. 21 members presently. About half of us are on discord, about half of us are in the states. We’re FFA war with coordinated tanks, tho opting into war is not mandatory. We’re very active and some of us are chatty, sigh especially me. But none of that is required – just hitting the titan. We would love to have you!
I think you would fit in well with us - a good, friendly bunch, international and have been together for a while. Come see if you’re a good fit!
Tuck the Fitans
OPEN invite alliance here
The 9th degree
If you ever need a alliance that actively recruits and keeps only people who use war flags but laid back as well.I won’t be quitting anytime soon.Line id -rylitos
If not good luck with new alliance =]
Into the Crew family you will find the perfect fit for you. Our alliances with different levels and requirements can provide a good environment for every kind of play style.
Firstly, commiserations for how your “home” alliance folded. Not surprisingly, you’ve been inundated with invitations to join many alliances, daily active players are “gold”!
If you both don’t also mind helping new players make informed decisions in war like choosing suitable targets, and leaving clean ups for newer team mates to cut their teeth on, than you might want to consider Kiwi Academy. More information here…
GL on your decision making.
HamNation has room for you both. War is optional but if you are in (and we all are) all flags are required. Titans are also required and we are hitting 9-10*. We don’t rank on the titan but we are about to unlock legendary for the alliance quest.
There’s only 13 of us but we are friendly and have an optional discord for extra help/discussion.
We are a little alliance seeking for some active players! We are kicking now out some lazy guys so we have plenty of free slots for ya!!
We are waiting for you guys
The Family Clan [T.F.C]
We’re Taco2. You would enjoy playing on our team. We are not high pressure. Everyone gets along and we do expect war flags to be used up. Other than that play at your pace and enjoy the game.
East of the equator has 5 active teams. One to fit anyone’s needs. Just hit the link and let’s have a chat.
We have a extensive library that we share with over 800 members. Would share that with you also even if you decide not to join us. Let’s have a chat.
Forsaken Ones is looking for more players! Great crew and friendly! Want active players who will reliably attack Titans, and if you sign up for wars, use all flags. Give us a try!
Hey we are currently looking to expand and take things to the next level so are trying to get some new blood. We are an active team who gets things done but at h same time very chill we all understand life comes first. We are mixed levels and from all over the world
Hey there!
Rise Against has 11* titans and green tanks for war. The war strategy is to defeat the weakest 10 teams twice then switch to FFA/pushing for resets. Line is optional (feel free to message me @ charles-p).
Thanks for reading this and have a great day!
(Btw the titan escaped because we defeated a rare 12* and weren’t ready for the next titan).
Hey Doncastillio, have you considered an alliance merger? Our 20±member team is looking for 8-10 new players, and as the new leader (old one just quit), I’m looking for active players to get us all more involved. Currently ~15 reliable daily players with 3800-4600 range of team power. Let me know!