Two experienced players who have been playing together for well over a year are looking for a new home.
We are level 82 and 67 with war defences of 4600-4700+ (depending on tank colour).
What we are looking for:
Top 500 alliance
2 free spots
12-14* titans with preferably a 100,000-ish hit requirement
discord (one of us can’t use line) or in game chat
active and competitive alliance (but not too competitive)
We are pretty chatty so would definitely prefer a chatty/social and active alliance over a quiet one but this in not a requirement.
you can be high impact players in my allaince - Shiwon - we’re not at your titan level, but you would have an immeidate impact in advacing the team - you could even stay for a short period and not offend us if you left after a while - cheers…
I’m sure you’re about to be inundated with offers.
You might want to check out TBD Part Deux, active alliance, titans capped at 12* and they’ve been together for over a year and a chatty Discord channel too .
Tagging @Macaque1902 who I’m sure has a lot more to add.
Not top 500 but chuck our name in the hat…
We have 2 spots open now…
We are a casual but competitive our alliance rules are pretty standard… We have line and I have discord…
If interested @ me…
We are not among the first 500c but we are an international, competitive and well organized alliance, we currently have 4 spots available, we shoot 13 * titans and use all our flags in war, blue tank … Come visit us and if you like they stay, but they can continue on their way without problem.
I would recommend Seven Days Uprising to you.
When full we are a top300 alliance, last Mystic titan we finished rank 130 with 29 members.
You need a good purple tank, 20+ maxed 5* and 20+ maxed 4* heroes, rainbow mana troops 17+.
But we use discord and line. At the moment we are 29 players.
Contact our leader Kronos via line using the line id kronos_niks . He knows if someone will retire after next war or needs a break, so two slots might be possible if you fulfill the requirements.
Hey Seggpock we’ll be glad to have you at s&d, we’re rebuilding our alliance and have more recruitments coming soon, we’re competitive (last MT we were top 1000 with 15 members) and top 100 when full.