1st Purple: Grimble...does he get the tabards?

Both heroes and mats are pretty rare for the FTP and CTP. I just found my first purple (after 8 months!) - Grimble - and I have tabards to take him to 80. I’ve always advocated ‘play with the heroes you have’ but I’m hesitant in this case, because he’s so niche.

For context, my current 80s - Grazul, Finley, Horghall, Natalya.

I have 20+ 4s and 30+ 3s leveled as well.

I have 2 TC20s loaded up, but they have not yet provided any 5s.

Any insight and opinions are appreciated.

What are your 4* purple heroes, can you hold out until TC20 spits out a sartanna or a dominita?

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I have @70: Tiburtus, Proteus, Gafar, Sabina, Rigard

i’d say go for it, it seems you’re collecting tabards faster than 5* heroes at current rate


His hit is terribly weak, even if maxed. His main purpose is to destroy minions, and he can serve well at 3.70.

Save ur tabard for someone else


How many tabards do you have?

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I have 8 tabards at the moment, and 8 trap tools.

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Id have to agree but it depends on how many tabards you have…and if you need a strong purple 5* hero. Rigard with emblems is still really great especial if you are waiting on a 5* sniper. But that said I think grimble is a great hero.


You can see how maxed grimble perform in this video. He is super weak imho


Concerning putting emblems on Rigard (to stave off the need to ascend Grimble for now) - I’m already putting cleric talents on Grazul, who is at +7. Does it make sense to split emblems between a 4 and a 5? That would give ~160 talents to Rigard (or take Grazul to +8).

8? then save your tabards. Grimble is too niche. Wait for better 5* purple heroes from events, summon gate or your 2 TC20.

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Rigard is fine at +8, after that you may continue with your remaining emblems on others.

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+1 save them for now and let TC20 do its magic


Save your mats. Purple is the color of fantastic heroes and many of them can be found at tc 20. Mats are hard to come by. With time you get everything in this game, so you would hate if you use your mats, and later, when you got a good purple, having to wait because waste then mats on a player like grumble.


I’d save the Tabards. Proteus, Tiburtus and Rigard will help you a lot more as you grow. Grimble will still be there when you need to build a minion eater.


What about Proteus? Any other hero use Wizzard emblem? I have my Proteus at +18 emblem.

My Proteus is at +4, Kiril has +19, but that may change. It feels bad resetting and respending all the resources :slight_smile:

Hell No !!!
His way to niche to deserve the honour to be taken all the way at the moment 3/70 at best in my opinion.
2020 and Season 3 begins very soon hold on to your Tabards there’s so much better available and still to come.
Read the below before making up your mind


As a hotm he’s in the Margaret range. I’d say 3/70 and wait for some buffs. If you get to 18 tabbards then go ahead and raise him.


IMHO Grimble is not worth the tabards for your first 5* purple. Maybe your 5th, or sooner if there are suddenly many more minion producer heroes. But not first (or second either).

There are better purples even from TC20.

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