⚔ [10 May, 2020] - 55th Raid Tournament - 4* Buff Booster, No Holy/Yellow

DAYS 3 +4
DAY 4 4W 1L
DAY 3 3W 2L (cont.)
DAY 2 4W 1L
DAY 1 4W 1 L

Day 4 loss

-©Rigard tanks have been especially hard to beat (@+20, fawgettabouttit!!!)
@Vikingblood80- I’m sold! ©Rigard tanks have been more difficult than Cyprian tanks…
Attacked 13x total-
6W 7L

@End of Day 2, I had 5610 pts and was in the top 10% ranking. After going 7W 3L combined on days 3+4, I’ve surprisingly been able to move to top 5% with 11317 points. Let’s see what happens tomorrow…


That’s so SG to "put" your defense at A grade when you actually don’t want to use the gems to continue! :man_shrugging:
As far as Stonecleave, I have him with some Emblems on him and he’s definitely worth the 3*mats and feeders to max him out. Good luck during your journey!!!

Sneaky, isn’t it? :laughing:

Overnight defence lost one more, and I lost one match on offence today, so still, if not precisely rocking it, in.

I will give Stonecleave a go. Thanks for the good wishes.

I believe that this specific format is the one where you can be the most consistent. The idea is that if you receive good boards then it really doesn’t matter - beyond a reasonable limit - what heroes you brought to the fight, so you only have to prepare for bad boards.

With a mono team you can decimate your opponent in a couple of moves if you get good tiles, however that same board would most likely give you the win even if only brought 3 from your color, it would just take longer. That gives you the opportunity of bringing off-color heroes who heal you in case of a bad board where you don’t get tiles for your 3-stack.

Obviously in Bloody Battle this does not work and in Rush Attack you won’t have the time to recover, therefore Buff Booster is the only format where this strategy is consistent.

5* tournies have devastating specials that also make it hard to recover and even 3*-s have very strong snipers (Namahage, Gato, Bane, etc) who can 1-shot your heroes after a couple of slash attacks. However 4* snipers are generally not that devastating, they either have high base attack but low % on their specials (Grimm, Scarlett) or the other way around (Caedmon, Sonya). Therefore it is rare for your heroes to die early (unless of course you have no costumes, no emblems and go up against +100 teams).

Finally, yellows don’t have much in the healing/cleansing/debuffing department, making the color restriction almost meaningless.

Combining these elements I think that a 3 healer + 2 sniper setup is the most effective in this format and I am 20-0 on attack using this principle. The team I used in my last 15 attacks is the following: costumed Rigard+19, costumed Boldtusk+18, Kiril+18, Sonya, costumed Sonya

This gives me tile damage, heal in 3 colors and cleanse/debuff that can be adjusted based on the opponent. On the first day of the tournament I have experimented with Grimm+19, Peters+19 and costumed Melendor (even tried out 2-2-1 teams) but in the end survivability won over emblems and Sonya is just amazing at that.

I had many bad boards along the way but heals were always just enough to keep me alive until the next one came online and focusing down enemy heroes one by one always allowed me to come out on top. Slow and steady wins the game.

Regarding defense I honestly don’t know what is the best, I took down Cyprian, Rigard and Tiburtus tanks alike who all tried to do different things. My own defense went C, B, A and now it is back to B, I have my 3 emblemed healers as tanks/flanks, Peters and Grimm as wings. I’m pretty sure it’s not ideal but I don’t think that there actually could be an ideal setup.

I’m currently just outside the leaderboard, with a straight A defense I would be at #3 right now but that is an element we can’t control.


:+1: Wish I had his costume.

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I lost 2 today so did a gem continue.
Then I won the next 3. So 2-3 for today.

Offense: 16-4
Defense: 8-2
Score: 12,800ish / Top 1%

My defense has been getting A’s each day I am surprised!


Day 3 and 4

Posting on a 2-day basis feels good…think I am gonna keep this.
On attack I kept 3/2 formation blue purple…having Kiril and Proteus on every attack…switching in Boril, Grimm, Sabina, Rigard and Sonya(C) as needed. Went well yesterday…only lost once…today…dunno if it was the boards or me…but lost 2.

16 : 4 …need to decide to continue or not…

Defense got a bit worse and is now on

3 : 4 E B C C

Had a closer look at the people attacking me. I won all fights to people below lvl 50 and lost all to people above lvl 50. Interesting. So higher players simply had the roster to choose to wipe out my defensive team.

12312 pts

CU on saturday


@Merkulio can you walk us through the logic behind your defense team? also the team(s) you have been using on offense?

you’re absolutely crushing it - and with a defensive lineup that seems counterintuitive to me.

awesome job so far!!!

So day 4 Looks to be over.

4-1 today which meant I had to buy back in but I’m on a good run so worth it. Today saw a a change from Rigard tanks to heavy emblem C.Tiburtus tanks. I didn’t struggle with them nearly as much as C.Rigards. I have the Kiss rocker costume but not sure today convinced of its worth. Defense holding at A rated which is good.



definitely a solid tournament!! I am a bit surprised my defense is holding up so well given the lack of emblems!!! I think Brynhild is uniquely perfect in every way for this tournament, once I +20 her, I will be using her in the 5* buff booster tournies too.



Wow, I went 5-0 today
Grade A defense yesterday - and I think every day so far!

Offense: 21-4 (1 continue yesterday)
Defense: 9-2 / Grade A
Score: 16,909 / Top 1%

I had very good boards in all 5 games today, I was very lucky. In 2 of them, I had instant diamonds. One of those, I had a Green Diamond AND a Purple Diamond (my team was 3x Green 2x Purple).


Finished 25-0 with same team for the last 5 attacks as well. Rigard once had 6 health left, otherwise no scary moments.
Defense holds steady at B. Currently on leaderboard but expect to be outside at the finish.


Hope this hasn’t been asked already, but I searched and couldn’t find an answer… How does Ghost Mode work in these buff booster tournaments?

I put Stonecleave on my defense team just for kicks, but then I started thinking that may have been pointless. (My def has been a solid A rank every day, FWIW, but of course that doesn’t mean Stonecleave is the star of the team.)

Does the boost not apply to him anymore once he enters Ghost mode? For that matter, I’ve never honestly thought about how the buff booster works. Is it specific to each hero based on how many buffs are applied to them, or is it a certain percentage for the entire team based on total buffs combined?



24-1 and should have swept, but made a pretty bad misclick on the final battle of day 4 that quickly compounded. Oh well! Never seemed to run into that one bad board that just couldn’t be overcome.

I mostly used the below team, though occasionally switched:

  • Sonya to Costumed Sonya
  • Blue stack, adding Grimm
  • Caedmon to Buddy
  • When facing a green tank I occasionally stacked in Boldtusk, Wilbur, and Scarlett, though also fought green tanks with the team as shown
  • Once threw in Costumed Rigard and Proteus, just for fun


Too many attacks to count and break it out by day. I think it looks like this:

  • Day 1: E (0-3)
  • Day 2: D (a fair number of attacks, continued to do poorly)
  • Day 3: C (defense had a good day and almost drew to 50% but couldn’t overcome the poor start)
  • Day 4: C
  • Day 5: C

Tournament Defense

Despite the poor defensive showing, I should have comfortably secured Top 1% by dint of my attacks.


@Cheds @CoreyOfTheIsland I noticed that you guys had some higher points targets in the mid to high 630 points.

@Guvnor, curious because I only had one target 637 pts in 5 days!
My targets topped off at 629 pts. This isn’t because I’ve been losing, I went 13-0 before my first loss and currently sitting 23-1.
Maybe it’s because my defense went E grade on day 1?

DAY 5 currently B at 57.6% so may finish A.

Was surprised by this tournament, expected my defense to be ripped apart and to get destroyed by all the +20 teams I had to face last couple days.

Instead only lost 1 match all tournament to Jabbar tank and defense held at A so far all days. Not bad for ftp with only 4* this tournament I have emblemed is boldtusk.

Top 100 atm.



@l2ider Now I don’t know for sure but I think the AI looks at your defence strength and starts you on roughly equal footing. Then as you beat the harder opponents it steadily increases your difficulty.

My day 4 & 5 is mostly 100 emblem teams now. As you can see I got heartily owned by 2 20 C.Rigard teams today (nearly…so nearly beat the first one…had the front 3 on slithers of health and then all the healing fired…heartbreaking :joy:).

The people with 100 emblem defences are going to start against similar teams and the points much higher. My defence is 3681 I think…I was playing 4K teams at the end but it started me about that level.

Here’s my day 5. 3-2 and A rated on defence so I’ll finish comfortably in. The top 1%


That’s why I was surprised and asking since my highest potential defense would have had +95 emblems so I started off vs top defenses.

Getting only one target with 630+ points just seems more than coincidence in 25 attacks.
20 targets were between 625-629 points.
5 targets between 615-625 points (day 1).

there is totally an rng /luck factor involved.

my understanding is that the system looks at your 5 highest TP heroes available at the star level of the tournament in your roster and uses that to match make you against other teams. I have a +20 gad and +18 sonya so that might be improving the likelihood I end up taking on teams with all 5 heroes +20… the only problem is most of my 4* heroes arent emblemmed that highly lol.

I’m honestly not sure :S

Maybe it’s to do with troop levels also?