⚔ [10 May, 2020] - 55th Raid Tournament - 4* Buff Booster, No Holy/Yellow

The ghost mode counts as a buff :slight_smile:

He’s got the extra benefit in this specific tournament that he cannot be damaged at all when in ghost mode as there are no yellows allowed.

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Thanks for the reply, @Guvnor!

Does that mean he only gets a boost from that one buff, or is the entire team boosted a certain percentage per buff? (Does what I’m asking even make sense?)

Just him.

Buff booster only applies to the owner of the buff.

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Bummer, but thanks again!

I went 21-4 in this tourney, and my defense has been Grade A the whole time; it started 7-1 on the first day, and has worked its way to currently being 40-16 for 71.4% win rate. :slight_smile:

Could’ve been interesting if I could’ve snuck out more wins… as it is, I’m at Rank #1121 right now. I’m always pleased if I make it into Top 5%, or in this case Top 1%… so a good tourney for me this week. :slight_smile:

Good gaming!


@l2ider must be a difficulty thing In there then perhaps??

Because my strongest 4* team is probably 3700 all combined it starts me near that level and I’m able to scrap my way up and I’m beating 4K teams near the end so I’m getting a big difficulty boost.

If you have a 4K team yourself then maybe the algorithm isn’t giving you as a big a score as beating a 4K team with a 4K team is technically easier? (I know it not really but you know what I mean)

Hmm I’m intrigued now…

Below is my technically strongest 4* team on my roster with the troops. Now of course Jackal isn’t allowed but for total strength I’ve included him.

I wonder if the system is looking at that and pitching me in at that starting level?? I’m going to keep track next tournament and see where it starts me off…

My available strongest team that I would be positioned would have been
Wilbur+18 Brynhild+19 Falcon+19 Brynhild+19 C Rigard+18

So sum +93 emblems.
My troops are mediocre, maybe +7 on a few but rest lvl1.

Well, I can say this tourney surprised me in multiple ways.

First, on offense I went 12-2. Yes, that’s only 2 losses, because I usually am mainly looking for tourneys to help fill fill raid chests, and if I can get a top 50% result, that’s good, except on 3*, where I can flirt with top 25% from offense.

One raid chest became an elemental, and my chest needs were limited, plus I lost those 2 early, and wanted to save the attacks for when I needed them later in week. I left 2 losses on the table by going undefeated on ay 5, and needing sleep badly on day 4, with a raid chest coming, but being asleep when it rolled over, and through end of tourney day. Very happy with a top 25% offense.

My defense held up for a B score, which is above my goal of a gentleman’s C. Having low expectations means less disappointment. :slight_smile:

Got all the tourney attacks in I need for PoV to reach tier 48. Was slightly worried about this, refilled deaths in an earlier tourney to be safe.

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Brynhild with costumed rigard and costumed melendor destroyed in this Tourney, Top 1% 3rd time in 3 weeks with my not so great chars(caedmoon 3/60). Last day pwning +20 heroes just with few tiles was hilarious.

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Day 5 & end

Decided to buy in and last day went 4:1 well…would have stayed top 10% otherwise.


Wow, well I finished in the top 2,100.
I had A Grade Defense throughout!

Ended with 9-2 defense.
17,800 score / Top 1%

Rewards were 1x EHT, 1x ETT and 1x Regular Summon. And 20 Paladin Emblems.


Day 4

  • Offense: 5-0 (19-1)
  • Defense 1-3 (12-7, A)

Day 5

  • Offense: 5-0 (24-1)
  • Defense 4-1 (16-8, A)

Defense was doing great, I was close to B on day 4, but it went up again on day 5. Very good tourney for me - A defense all the time and only one loss on offense (for 0 points because the game froze and crashed) helped me to climb to leaderboards, #42 :partying_face:


  • compass, EHT and 10 emblems :man_shrugging:

Final Result

Defense: Sonya+7 - CRigard+18 - Tiburtus - Brynhild - Scarlett+7
ATK: 19-6
DEF: 4-9 (Grade D)
Rank: Top 5%


2020-05-16 19.52.57
Nice AM and ETT:

Great 4* troop which can be as stock for convert in Hero Academy into yellow mana… :muscle:
Emblem maybe for Lady Woolerton or 2nd Rigard.



25 W - 0 L

Defense Team


Defense Grade


Final Result

Top 1%


Ended top 1%. A rated defence throughout for the 2nd week running (like buses you wait a year for it and then 2 come at once)

Loot below…not terrible but not great



Got top 1% for the first time ever! At the beginning of the tournament, I was sitting at 9/30 tournament battles for the PoV mission. Was really worried I wouldn’t even finish the mission. For the first 3 days, I won 4/5 attacks on offense each day. Then the last two days, I somehow won 5 out of 5.

Offense: 22W - 3L

Defense: 7W - 6L (B rank every day)

Rank: Top 1%!



I wound up finishing Top 1%, Rank #974, with 18297 score. Defense held on at 40-16 for Grade A (all week long, started at 7-1). My attacks went 21-4.

So that’s the good news. The bad news? I think I got almost the worst RNG on loot that I’ve ever gotten for finishing Top 5% or better. :wink: You be the judge:


Like, WOO HOO for Tall Boots, I guess? :wink:

Good gaming!


Updates - Tournament End

Score = 16,145; Rank = 14,947; Top 1%
Not my best on the later days… Started out pretty OK but yeah…

Defence got neglected a lot. Attacked only twice on Day 3 (luckily won both) and was otherwise ignored.





Defense: E, B, A, A, A (ouch on the first day)

Offense: 23-2. I almost thought I could go 25-0, but nope. Last day failed :frowning:

rewards, nothing special. Not great, not horrible.