Yet another yellow Limit Breaker question - C-Viv. versus Professor Lidenbrock (and others)

since we got yellow limit breaker quest, I got enough Aethers to limit break one yellow 5*. Who should it be? My main contenders are C-Vivica, who is used almost everywhere because of heal and defense down, but is slow (average technically but slower than Lidenbrock) and Professor Lidenbrock, who is used not that frequently as she lacks defense down, but has overheal and is faster on first cast around, plus she cleanses before healing so no buff blocker or HP drain to screw her over. I include other possibilities in poll, but my main decision is between those two:

  • C-Vivica
  • Professor Lidenbrock
  • Odin
  • Hanitra
  • Sif
  • Onatel
  • Norns
  • C-Joon
  • Roc (just no)
  • Ranvir (even more no than Roc)

0 voters

Biased, but I love Odin and wish I had him. A fast mana booster that hits all is priceless in every part of this game. I’d go with C-Viv if you use her a lot more however.