Would you give Santa your last 6 rings?

I’m concerned about giving him my last set of rings and all my red 80’s will be average/slow speed. I don’t even find Santa very impressive to begin with but everyone seems to think he’s just great. I think he doesn’t hit very hard and his debuffs at slow mana won’t be very good will they? I could just use Wilbur instead for example :thinking:
Why do people think Santa is so good?
Would you give him your last rings?

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Depends largely on who else you got…?

P.s. Marjana is Fast speed :wink:

From what I understand (I don’t have santa), his buff benefit comes in that it does BOTH attack & Defence down for the enemy. While the damage isn’t HUGE it nukes the enemy ability to deal damage back to you. There aren’t really any Red Equivalent which do both Attack & Defence down on the enemy… Don’t think there are any in general which do both (?)

Personally, I have a very strong Red Roster so, no I wouldn’t be ascending him. But I have BK & Marjana at 3/70 waiting for rings who would probably get them before Santa.
For me: BK > Marjana > Santa > Marjana #2 > Azlar > Grazul #2 > Khagan

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I’ve maxed Santa, he only sees play time in maps and events, sits out in war and raids (to be fair though, he isn’t my only 80 that does). He’d pair well with azlar but so would Wilbur. If you aren’t sure, don’t use the rings is my suggestion. If he’s 8/8 in special, use him at 3/70, if you like him, max him, if you don’t, you aren’t getting much more from maxing him outside of bulk. Good luck.


I maxed and emblemed Santa. I run him as my tank and he holds my trophies very well. I prefer him to Wilbur for big titans, tho many prefer the shared damage, I find the minions a more serviceable defense for my style. He’s on one of my war teams with fast hitters and can be effective. Paired with your Anzogh could be devastating if they go off in succession.

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If he was my only red five star then yes. Otherwise if you have better reds then give it to them instead.

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I don’t have other reds. It’s either Santa or patience lol

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@SWEG Then do it of you are trying to beef up your overall team’s power. Cause if RNG has it’s way, you could end up waiting a while for another red 5 star.

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If I had Santa he’d be my tank, given the lineup I have.

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If you need patience go read what Jean does again. Haha.

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That roster needs Falcon.

I was running Wilbur and resisting giving Santa rings for a long time but when I switched, my team improved bc Santa lives a lot longer - especially surviving early specials on bad starting boards.

But yeah, I’d chase Falcon If i had that roster.


Mostly as defense tank or rush tournaments.

Wilbur does a better job at the def down department.

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Buddy do that as well, but buddy is average and 4* for him thats a really strong skill i used to (and sometime still do) play him in my 5* green mono

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Yeah true, was more meaning in the 5* arena. But buddy definitely was a staple on many peoples Green Titan Team (until Kingston came along to do the attack down portion with more attack power).


I do have falcon. This is my red 80’s, which I’m tempted to give Santa rings but I’m not convinced. I have multiple boldtusk, Wilbur, Colen etc base heroes maxed. A whole lot of average/slow. Actually falcon was the first hero I ever maxed, Just a fun fact.