Not worrying about makeup of offense, defense or titan teams, I have all of that handled pretty well. What I’m mostly interested in is choosing who to level over other options. I currently have 15 5*s sitting at 3/70 and three more within 10 levels of getting there, and enough items to level 1 ice, 1 nature, 2 holy and 1 dark. Heroes that are sitting at 3/70 are as follows:
Ice: Alice, Frida, King Arthur, Isarnia
Nature: Tarlak, Kingston, Evelyn (Frigg at 3/60)
Holy: Bai Yeong, Vivica (Malosi at 3/65)
Dark: Kageburado, Khiona, Sartana (with costume) (Onyx at 3/66)
Not enough ascension items
Fire: Vanda, Puss in Boots, Jean-François
I guess I need to give a little bit of roster makeup:
Heroes already emblemed:
Ice: Vela, Magni (w/ costume), Ariel, Misandra, Miki
Nature: Telluria, Lianna (w/ costume), Zeline, Heimdall, Lady/Lake
Holy: Joon (w/ costume), Poseidon, Delilah, Ranvir.
Dark: Seshat, Kunchen, Ursena, Clarissa, Hel, Guardian Panther
Fire: Gravemaker, Mitsuko, Tyr, Grazul, Marjana
Heroes already ascended to T4 but not yet on talent grid:
Santa Claus, Roc.
Not necessarily interested in your reasons if you don’t want to go into detail, I can see most of the pros and cons with these heroes. More just interested in who people would choose. Like, I see how hard Kage hits from raids, and his VF mana regen is great. But he’s also a barbarian, and I’m not done yet embleming Gravy, and Miki’s only at +1, and Roc is 4/1… this is the kind of thing I’m having to weigh, and why I’m having trouble pulling the trigger. So, give me your opinions!!