Who would you pick as a war tank?

This is specifically only for war. Our alliance does green tanks. I know tell would be best option, but I’ve already bombarded you guys with help on who I should ascend when I get my tonic from valor. Tell and zeline would not be getting emblems because if my regular defense. Margaret I could emblem to to 14 and elkanan I could get to 10. So take into account what I already have emblemed and the other 2 I wouldn’t emblem and the 2 I could emblem. I also attached my team looks like without a green tank. With what I got who would , What’s my best option at a green tank

In the absence of other options, Lianna can do the job but you you really don’t want to lose her early as a tank. I can’t provide advice on team synergy for as i am almost exclusively a 3 and 4 star player and you seem to have the wrong heroes levelled up?

Lianna would be my last voice lol. She dies fast and since I’m getting my 6th tonic tomorrow, I’m trying to figure out if I should go for a green tank or as other told me zeline to help in offense

Yeah, she does, but with good placement and in the right situation she can do terrible damage. She doesn’t give me the chills like Seshat or the Squid!! (Ursena) however and the beach (sp?) called Onatel.

I don’t really mess with her unless it’s for a tourny or if I’m stacking. Kingston is my main green dude. Lianna does pack a powerful punch tho. When I’m doing mono green raids, Kingston and lianna combo will take out anybody with one hit

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I would probably say Kingston of your options… Telly obviously if she gets maxed (and would pump her full of emblems if you’re wanting the best war defence…

He’s fast mana speed (like most of the others) but has two main benefits over some of the other options:

  1. He is fighter class so the revive talent can be an absolute pain
  2. He has a higher defence stat than some of the others there (e.g. Lianna)
  3. He has innate resistance to Burn Damage… Which is important given that a large number of “fire” enemies have burn damage as a part of their special skill (e.g. Gravemaker).

Yeah, I guess I’ll go with zeline then to help on offense. I don’t have a viable blue to replace Frida with and I could get tel up to 18 emblems, but them I’m screwed with blues. Unless I leave 2 greens as my defense team. Leave Kingston at wing and have tel as tank, but from an older post, most people said to go with zeline to help on offense in war.

Telluria. You asked for a tank, you get a tank. Emblem her with shields.

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I would pick Kingston. His attack reduction is good enough to suppirt the rest of the team.

I asked for a war tank. I already got a tank in Knight. Come on now.

Thanks for your input

Anyway, you want a tank who can take a lot of damage. If the enemy hasn’t the right heroes to attack telluria you will win most of the attacks.

I don’t have tanky greens. My greens are as follows:

Kingston +14
cKadilen +0
Mother North +0

Anytime we tank greens I use Kingston with BK and Vela or Seshat as flanks. It eats flags. I get one shot as well, but that defense eats more flags than I ever expected it to.

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Many would argue the war tank is all that matters. Cups come and go on raids. Wars are coordinated team efforts.


Exactly what @littleKAF said. Wars and titans are the single most important focus for good alliances. So every effort should go into that. Normal raid defense means close to nothing as long as you can stay in diamond, which is pretty easy with any 5 star heroes. But war defense is one of the most important aspects of war. It gets attacked multiple times, so you should focus on making it as best as possible so that you give away the least amount of points. If I were you I would definitely focus on Telluria. But for now Kingston is your best bet.


I was one of those asking questions about Zeline. The advice was dead on! She’s a beast for me. Not sure about how she would do as tank.

I’m using Telluria as my green tank. I pulled my Paladin emblems from my only viable blue and put them on Telluria. I have not regretted the move. Like you, I had no good other option at blue for months. I went with a 2-1-1-1 lineup instead and maintained 2600+ cups and very solid with my war defense. I have since pulled Athena in one of the summons events and will go back to a rainbow lineup once I have her leveled.

My advice is have fun. Zeline as a tank should be interesting, but, if you really want a solid tank, make the move to Telluria! Good luck with whichever direction you go. :wink:

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+20 vote for kingston. He deals high damage and reduce attack. He is definetely better than lianna. She will be better on wings.

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Another vote for Kingston, setting aside that we all know who the best tank you have actually is! As some have noted, Kingston has decent stats and does very solid damage, and his attack down is an excellent effect for a tank to bring to the table. The one big downside is that your team will have no healing whatsoever, which is a pet peeve of mine in wars defense. Hard to put up a 0 on D without a healer!

I wish I had a 5s healer.

So are you saying this looks better then my current defense? Tel would get 18 emblems