I am getting ready to have to make some decisions and was looking for some input. I am very strong at each color so each of these would simply be to add depth at each color. My options are as follows:
Purple - 2nd Sartana w/ Costume, 2nd Kageburado, 2nd Clarissa, 2nd Freya or Quintus w/ Costume?
Second Freya - two together would be superb, flood the field with minions, with high attack on them too.
I can see the value in a second Sartana, maybe Kage, but I don’t think I’d bother with dupe Clarissa myself… I’d think about it but still do second Freya.
2nd Drake - he’s the best of those to have a dupe of IMHO, I presume he’s the yellow you use most?
Miki - your titan scores will definitely thank you for it. Raffaele would be in second, the Richard. Magni without costume is still okay. I don’t see much point in a second Vela.
Second Sartana or the quintus costume. You have depth already, so maxing him for tile damage and rush attack tournaments sounds fun.
Second Drake or Poseidon. You can’t go wrong with either, in my opinion. Second Malosi would be reasonable as well.
Despite all the hand wringing I read about Raff I find him really solid and I happy to have him maxed. That being said, having Miki maxed makes high level titans hugely easier, since he doesn’t get one shot. Also very handy for challenge events and the aforementioned rush attack tournaments. I think Miki is the better bet, unless one is really hard up for 5* healers.
The c Sartana is a serious slapper - very useful. Miki is an excellent support hero as well with a quite unique skill set and titan slayer role. Those would be my two suggestions.