I really could use some advice… I just pulled my 3rd red 5 star from the pirate event. I now have to decide who to ascend between Anzogh, Kaghan, and Captain Kestrel. I only have enough mats to ascend 1.
Advice would be appreciated.
I really could use some advice… I just pulled my 3rd red 5 star from the pirate event. I now have to decide who to ascend between Anzogh, Kaghan, and Captain Kestrel. I only have enough mats to ascend 1.
Advice would be appreciated.
Who else is on your roster?
None of those scream must ascend to me.
I would consider Anzogh; definatelly not Khagan.
The only other 5 star I have (besides these 3) is Margaret. I have a fairly decent 4* team leveled. Some that are 4.70 are BoldTusk, Gafar, Grimm, Jackal…and a few more.
I would bring both Anzogh and Kestrel to 3.70, then decide based on the red heroes you have at that point.
It would have to be between Kestral and Anzogh. Without knowing the rest of your roster or who you use on a regular basis, a definitive decision cannot be made.
Boldtusk, Wilbur and Anzogh equals fiery love that burns your enemies down.
Kestrel for being fast.
Decent red flank.
Bring them to 3/70 and then decide which one you like the most
(post deleted by author)
You need damage and support heroes, so Anzogh is a great choice, but so is Cap’n Kestrel. It all depends on who you deem worthy though. If I were in your situation, I would choose Kestrel because Anzogh is good enough at 3.70, but take them both to that point and play with them interchangeably for a few weeks and see which one holds up. That is the one you’ll want to ascend.
I also have Khagan and I think he is great in a stack, but as your first red (he was my first red hero and served me well, but I also didn’t have a choice), I would say no.
Thanks everyone! I think Anzogh is who I will be going with!
Good choice as he aids allies does decent damage also thus making him the number 1 choice.
Good choice, I love to see Anzogh getting attention. He is so worth of it.