Hi y’all
After playing for 18ish months I suddenly got an avalanche of new dark heroes to lvl up.
My main focus is war attacks.
2ndary focus is raid defense.
Atm I’m using
Kage w/speed troop, Onatel, Kunch, Rana, Clarissa
(Comment if you think I can make a better defense, but I’m surprised by this def, it keeps me around 2600 cups when offline).
This is my roster
I’ve been testing out Clarissa.
I’m sort of thinking that a 2nd Rigard or my 1st Sartana should be prioritised before 2nd Clarissa?
I have 7 tools and 7 tabards.
I have 10 darts, but I’m sorta holding them for Joon.
I feel he will be of better use to me than Neith or Vivica?
I have 4 rings. Should I give them to JF or G.Kong or wait?
And, for event tournaments,
are there any 4stars I should prioritise?
Love, Moo