I am stuck trying to decide between Morel, Master Lepus, and Glenda since I receive so few telescopes. I’m leaning towards Morel or Lepus as they are both fast speed, but Glenda is pretty great.
Current ascended ice heroes are Krampus and Alice.
Thanks for your advice!
All options are good. Personally I’d go Morel for that fast defense down. Lepus would be a close second.
I did a number of hits against a Morel defence in alliance friendly battles. Gave so may more problems than either the others ever do.
The other thing I hadn’t realised was how deceptively sturdy Morel was.
Take the little guy, make bunny an fairy godmother wait.
Thanks! I’ve been playing around with Lianna and Joon after firing Morel, and they’re getting 2000+ hits. I’m definitely going with him/her/they
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