Should I ascend Vela?

Hi everybody,

I own a pretty good variety of ice heroes, and 12 scopes are waiting in my inventory.

My question is simple : should I ascend Vela?
Morel + Lepus-C + Crystalis + her could be a nice fast combo in attack.

My blue roster :

  • Morel +19 LB
  • M. Pengi +19 LB
  • Crystalis +20
  • Lord Loki +20 LB
  • Lepus-C +18
  • Bobo +19
  • Milena +19 LB
  • Passepartout +9
  • Skadi +19
  • Fenrir +0

Next to be ascended : Frida

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Do you want to waste scopes on a hero that was nerfed into oblivion, and then un-nerfed to just being very mediocre by 2022/2023 standards?

Frida would work much better in your proposed combo anyway, guaranteeing 3 heroes are dead, whereas Vela would just tickle them slightly.


I use her every war. She is solid but I’d do Frida 1st and hold until you get back to 12. The passive vs minions is really nice

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Frida first. Vela is very outdated, but may be useful after Frida if you don’t get anything else

Her Minion-Resist is very useful against the minions with special effects as these from bera, the w3k heroes or water pipe


In my honest opinion I would focus on levelling up Frida first.
Then when you have 12 spare scopes there would be no harm in levelling Vela. In the right team she is still useful
Whichever heroes you choose good luck

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Frida first for sure but Vela is still viable. Nerf stuff is oooooold news she’s still fast, give attack down and the elemental critical boost is also a bonus.

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Thanks everybody, that’s precisely why I consider Vela. She’s fast and her DOT + attack down can be nasty, specially when combined with another one like Crystalis’s. Frida will be ascended before her, but thanks again to you all, Vela will surely the next right after the polar bear warrior (unless I pull something better).

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If you go to YouTube and search for ”Crystalis Test Drive” from Empires and Puzzles Books you will see a team using Morel, Crystalis and Vela in action by retired E&P superstar JekylAndHyde. It may give you a feeling for what such a team can accomplish. Good luck with your decision making!


I am also in favor of moving Frida ahead. It seems like you do pull regularly. I wouldn’t waste any mats on a dated hero that is only going to get more dated. Raise Frida with 6 and save the other 6 for a better pull.

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