I just finished maxing Zeline. I have over 1200 Wizard emblems that I was saving for JF, but he has been stuck at 3/70 for sometime while I was working on GM. Zeline is my first Wizard class 5* and I’m leaning toward putting my emblems on her instead. I have JF, Sartana, Guardian Chameleon, Guinevere, Isarnia and Alfrike, waiting ascension materials to level. Should I emblem Zeline or wait for rings for JF?
I have been using both Zeline and JF on raids, titans, wars, events and tournaments. Neither will be a mainstay on my primary defense as I have Telluria and GM already in the lineup. I’m in need of snipers and both will fit the bill.
I will use all the heros I have mentioned. Unfortunately, Sartana and Alfrike are stuck behind a long queue of purple 5* star heros waiting to be leveled. Guinevere used to be my tank prior to pulling Telluria. Now, I use her in more niche situations. Isarnia is also stuck behind a queue of blue 5* heros to be ascended. And Guardian Chameleon looks like he will be a lot of fun once I get my green 5* roster where I want it.
Your thoughts are welcomed!