Having now finished adding emblems to Proteus and Sonya I’m not sure what to do with my remaining/future wizard and paladin emblems.
Currently eligible for emblems: Anzogh, Isarnia, Kiril (already +6), Kashhrek (+3), Kiril II, Balthazar (+3), Ulmer
Approaching eligibility: Sartana (should be ready in a week or two), Hisan could also be brought to readiness in a relatively short time
Eventually eligible: Jean-Francois (will be waiting a while for AMs)
My inclination is to hold the emblems for Sartana. However, Isarnia seems like she could become pretty devastating if I can keep her alive long enough to fire her special. Anzogh also looks like he could be a decent Tank with emblems.
Currently eligible: Cyprian (+8), Guardian Falcon (+2), Tyrum, Gunnar
Eventually eligible: Richard, I also have another Sonya I could level but my blue feeders are currently going to Vela and after that probably the first Sonya’s costume.
Honestly, aside from my now-maxed Sonya I don’t really use any of my paladins much at all. Guardian Falcon probably gets the most use against green titans and in wars.