Proteus vs Sartana (Emblem) ? Weird versus I know

Ok, so after 6 months of playing daily as c2p, finally got my first 5* from TC20 … Sartana!
I am quite pumped and surprised to have her, but it made me question my plans a bit.

I have been working on maxing Proteus, 4/22 at the moment, and was planning to give all Wizard emblems to him.
I also have a half baked Ameona at 3/1, which was going to 3/60 after finishing Proteus to stay there forever.

Other purples I have are Sabina +8, Cyprian 3/60 (I like the dude, but not going to max him also)

But now that I have her, should I start leveling Sartana immediately? Wait until finishing Proteus?

What to do with the emblems?? I don’t like sitting on emblems just give all I have to the best candidate, so I am not planning to wait for a 3rd amazing wizard candidate.

Proteus all the way.
Unless you’ve got 1 d-blade, 1 tome and 6 tabbards ready.


I’d finish Proteus and then start with Sartana. Those half leveled heroes are only annoying and you’re almost through.

For emblems I couldn’t give you a good advice, I think - it depends very much on your play style and so on. I have a maxed Kiril +10, a maxed Proteus +5 and I’m maxing Sartana now. My Proteus will get some more emblems, as for myself I want my 4* to be stronger. Maybe when I’m satisfied or when he has max emblems, the rest will go to Sartana :slight_smile: but that’s my playing’n’maxing style :slight_smile:

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Proteus is always the answer :wink:
And he is a worthy candidate for emblems


Thanks for the quick answers. I am missing 3 tabbards for now, so max Proteus with some emblems it is. Then I will go for Sartana 3/70 and see, I guess.


Alice is right , we all Got very exited when we Got our first 5* but you should be sure of having alle the materials needed .
Ive been waiting with Azlar over 6 months still waiting for 2 rings


Finish Proteus!!! I say this without a second thought too.
I also have Sartana and Proteus. Sartana took a backseat as soon as I finally pulled Proteus. Not only will he make the challenge events easier (except this last, reflect dark, debacle) he is great on offense.
It will take less than half the time to level Proteus as it would Sartana plus less AM’s, including those valuable Tome of Tactics. So he will help your team immediately instead of waiting, and hoping you get that last tabard or Tome, while feeding Sartana.

I’d also emblem up Proteus over Sartana as well. But then again I tend to bring my 4*’s closer to 5* then worry about making my 5*’s stronger. It seems more helpful to have a large selection of medium strength heroes than a few super strong heroes, but that’s me.

Good Luck with whatever you decide!!


I have all 3 heroes maxed:)
Proteus is game changer so he went all the way to +19
Kiril - no question about it so he is climbing there as well (+7 already).
In both cases - def /hp route
And Sartana - even without emblems she is a nasty ■■■■■ :stuck_out_tongue:


I currently have 4 Proteus’. 1 fully maxed and emblemed and one at 3/60. And I will work the other 2 soon. As close as you are on Proteus definetly finish him. As far as emblems that kinda depends on your play style and which hero you are more likely to use the most

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Proteus all the way!! You will be very thankful that you have him maxed.


Give Proteus more emblem too!

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Wow ok so I have pretty much the exact same roster as OP (even backburner Ameonna lol, also maxed Cyprian and emblemed Sabina). I already have Proteus sitting at 3/60 and Sartana almost at 2/60 when I just got my 4th trap tool. Which one should I use it on?

I know you guys all said Proteus, but does it make a difference is that I actually have all 6 tabards? I would obv need another 4 trap tools tho…

@Anonymous It’s the mana stop that trumps in this. Sure Sartana is a sniper with poison but Lord Fishface has mana stop and poison. The only other hero that has mana stop is Hel. They are very niche but EXTREMEMLY valuable. I had the best luck drawing two Proteii on my first alt so complete battlefield neutralization is possible now. I have at least one across three profiles. But yeah in short Proteus.

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Proteus is a real game changer and always one of the most useful heroes when it comes to defeat hard bosses while Sarta just snipes as many others.


Done- thanks all!

20 drops of poison


May the next 4 traps come soon.


Lol and then another 4 after that too…

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Good choice on Proteus. And put as much emblem as you can.



Coming back to this topic, have to say maxing Proteus and giving him emblems (stopped at +7 for now) was the best decision. He brings so much control and strategy to the game.

Sartana still sits at 2/60, joined by Jabberwock 2/60 as 5* projects. Now Rigard is at 3/60 and going for max. With Chesire Cat and Grimble also on queue my odd Ameona will be at 3/1 forever.