Who should I give emblems, Kunchen or Grazul

I’m close to maxing both of them. I’m not really sure who to prioritize. I think Kunchen is good on defense (I have Aegir but I think Kunchen is better) but defense isn’t that important, my alliance doesn’t use purple tanks. On the other hand I think Grazul is more useful on offense, even though the heal is kinda small.

Don’t underestimate Kunchen on offense, he hangs around long enough to heal everyone and that defense down is very helpful.

I don’t have Grazul. Can’t really comment on her.

I have similar issue…who should i ascend ? All at 3 lv 70…Kunchen vs Seshat vs Boss Wolf? Have domitia, onatel, elkanen, Frida, and marjana all ascended

Kunchen or Seshat is really a tough choice. It looks like you might need a top tank and have some good snipers. If you have no other 5* healers or strong tanks I would definitely max Kunchen (he’s a monster).

Then I would do Seshat. She’s awesome too. Boss wolf is fun and a good hero. He also makes a good tank but I don’t think he’s as versatile as the other two.