I was wondering which 5* to max out for my squad. Here is my current completions:
Ice: Agier +7, Frida +3, Magni
Fire: Mitsuko +11, Grazul +3, Anzogh
Holy: Poseiden +12, Rana +6, Joon
Dark: Seshat +11, Khiona +9
Nature: Zeline +9, Greg
I have Ariel in the pipeline getting scopes after I obtain 2 more.
Here are my purples at 3-70:
Boss Wolf
I am a sucker for Event and HOTMs as you can see by my roster. I level heros that I think are fun, cool looking, and have specials that are not in my roster. I go for variety. I have most 4*, and all color defensive downs except Guardian Panther, so my titan game is pretty solid. I decided Seshat beats out Domitia and Sartana, in my sniper roll, so it really is between Thoth-Amun or Boss Wolf. I do not have any 5* druids maxed yet and could get BW to lvl +12. With my roster who would you recommend getting these tabards? Also, I do not keep my defense the same, as I like to change it up almost every night to test out setups. Agier is my main war tank though atm.