Which two 5* red heroes to ascend? And which to prioritise first?

I have enough mats to ascend two, which do you think would work best with my current red roster? Or who would you ascend first, in case I come across a better hero while training up the first one?


  • These are my existing maxed 5* and fully emblemed 4*: Gravemaker x 2, Mitsuko, Ares, Wilbur, C.Boldtusk, Guardian Falcon
  • None of the choices would get full emblems but I could give them partial emblems, so they would still need to be pretty study
  • I only have one red fast mana troop and given I use GM in almost every battle, I wouldn’t be able to charge Grazul up in 6 tiles
  • I don’t think any of these heroes would take a spot on my defence team, so their use would mainly be for raids/wars/tournaments
  • I usually pull the HOTM so if I can get Russell next month, would he be a better option to replace one of my choices?
  • Grazul + Tyr
  • Tyr + Lady Loki
  • Grazul + Lady Loki
  • Wait for HOTM Russell + Grazul/Tyr/Lady Loki

0 voters

Feel free to use poll and/or post a response. Thanks in advance for your thoughts! :slight_smile:

I have Lady Loki on my main account and Tyr on my alternate one. I can tell you that for the offense they are fun heroes. Both served my raid/war victories many times, Lady Loki with her option to throw alignments on opponents and Tyr with his double revive option. Also, his bypass of defensive buffs and additional bleeding is good.

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the new HOTM appears to have a great synergy with GM. That’s why I voted for him.
Lady Loki is great but as you say - you don’t have the troops. A 10 tile hero - I dunno if it would make me happy. Well skip - I know the answer, It wouldn’t. That said, give it a thought to level some more troops.


Thanks for your input, they do seem like fun characters to play with! I also have Myztero which has a similar ability but Lady Loki seems better so I don’t need to ascend Myztero anymore.

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Oh thanks, that makes sense! I mean my red mana troop is at level 21 so I’m not far off from 23, and I run rainbow teams a lot of the time which means the Lady could get the mana troop in battle. But yeah working on it, I lack red troops the most so training them is torture :frowning:

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Grazul for sure, especially since you don’t have Garnet, Vanda or Emilio. Option n 5 is to try to pull Vanda, but what is home is what counts,so go with Grazul. I have Tyr and he’s fun and on offense can be a life-saver, but I find Lady Loki a little more interesting and fun.


That’s a good point, I will be trying to pull for Vanda (and her new costume apparently??) during Halloween but it’s a very slim chance I’ll get her haha

oh, very nice! So close to 23! It’s a huge milestone :heart_eyes: Lady Loki is a fantastic and fun hero. Don’t get me wrong there. I loved to use mine against Beras (throwing back up to 10 ailments made her hit like there is no tomorrow paired with C-Marj :open_mouth: )
But you don’t have rush with her. If you’re mainly running rainbow, then I agree with Nightmare. With more fiends around her speed will protect you from the ailments. You’d need a 2nd healer in your rainbow stack but hey, you won’t be suffering the mana slow, which is worth a lot.


I maxed Tyr a year ago and was quite disapointed. His damage are meh and his revive have almost never turned the tide of a difficult battle. He’s probably better with max talent, and the 2 chances of revive but I don’t have enough emblems for him, as you do.

Grazul and Lady Loki are both great heroes, but you definitely have a mana troop problem.

If I were you I would ascend Grazul and use her as off color healer, and retrain troop non stop at HA9 until I got the second red mana troop for Lady Loki.

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I played both extensively initially but have since completely stopped using Lady Loki. i used to think they were equivalent but have shifted towards Myztero being both more fun and more powerful. He will have great synergy with Grazul (especially vs Alfrike tanks) and great synergy in case you have any Elradirs. So I would vote Grazul and don’t forget your Myztero!

Tyr is a distant last to me in this list, I found him least impactful to the outcome of a battle, at least with my playstyle

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The next Hotm might suit you with just 9 tiles cause you have GM to charge his Mana a bit.

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Thanks for your advice, I might definitely prioritise Grazul and Lady Loki then. I actually have several red mana troops it’s just I don’t have any that are levelled up except for one, because I’m still working on getting my first mana one to 23 (currently at 21).

Ah right, that’s interesting! I’ve been hearing mixed comments about Myztero as some people are saying that he’s weak and needs a buff. I was actually working on him half way but then my priorities shifted to other purples I need more, but he’s on my list to ascend at some point!

Personally I don’t think you should believe everything you read. A lot of people on this forum don’t like “niche” heroes, or heroes that you have to strategise to use. He is my favourite hero from a strategy and fun perspective, although not my most used hero as you can’t match him to every defense. I’m a known Myztero fan from the start though, maybe a couple of other Myztero users can add their testimonials?
@StillVictor @JackREACHER

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I like Myztero. I haven’t been using him as much lately since there seems to be less of dot heavy teams right now. But usually one of my war teams was built around him.

I recently found out through @Homaclese that Myz makes a mean team against Alfrike when paired with another hero who gives ailment protection (Garnet, Emilio, Grazul, Vanda…)

I don’t think he’s disappointing in any way, or obsolete. I’m sure there will be new combos on defense to which he will be a great counter.

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