Hi guys, I need some advise to max my next purple, I already have maxed Zulag, Obakan, Sartana and Grimble. What is your opinion?
- Sargasso
- Boss Wolf
- Aeron
0 voters
Hi guys, I need some advise to max my next purple, I already have maxed Zulag, Obakan, Sartana and Grimble. What is your opinion?
0 voters
Of the 3 I’d do Aeron. That said, I wouldn’t be overly excited about it.
If your alliance uses purple tanks I’d say Boss Wolf, if not like @Chadmo says probably Aeron, but I’d regret it as soon as I got any other purple 5 star
Yea, we use purple tanks. At moment I’m using Zulag.
For tanks, I prefer Zulag to the other 3
Even for very fast mana war?
Yeah, he’s great for very fast. I hate making a decision though for those reasons. KNowing you have Zulag I might do Boss over Aeron. I’d probably wait but one thing is certain…don’t do Sargasso. lol
I dislike Zulag at tank in standard formation even in VF still a healer dump for tiles and only affecting nearby. Still able to just snipe out the wings one by one and fed tiles into her without any concern.
I voted Boss Wolf; he’s a serviceable tank in most wars, and a very good one in rush. But my real answer is “save the Tabards.” (Unless you have like 18 of them.)
I would do none of those unless you have 12+ tabards. Aeron is not even as good as a half emblemed C.Rigard. Boss Wolf is useless outside of rush. Sargasso is probably the best out of those 3 in terms of overall use but if you dont have 12+ tabards then I would personally wait.
You should wait, I wouldn’t max one of them
Out of the three I would probably go with Boss Wolf as an all round tank.
That said, if it was me, I would probably wait to see what I got from pulls over the next few weeks
Good luck