Who gets the Tabards and my last Tome?

Here is my dark army. I need my next project. Looking at Chakkoszrot, Zulag, or Boss Wolf.

My other leveled 5*s are: Uraeus, Sif, Leo, Neith, Joon, Magni(c), Thorne, Snow White, Isarnia, MN, Lianna, Kadilen(c), Evelyn, GM, Khagan(c), JF, PiB.

Any Thoughts are greatly appreciated.

they’re all pretty garbage imo , I’d wait …

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If you have 12+ tabards then Chakko is best out of these options but if you have less tabards then wait.


Boss wolf by far a Really good Hero for those VF wars and Tournaments as well as boomchacackalaka :sweat_smile:. I’ll go with the one I can put emblems on.

Good luck! :+1:t3:

Thanks for the input. So, I have 1 vote for Chakko, 1 for Boss Wolf, and 1 for waiting. I was hoping for some consensus. Both Chakko and BW are druid, so emblems don’t come into play. If I decide to wait, is it worth spending time/resources on Cyprian’s costume?

If you MUST max one of these now AND you need a purple Tank then Boss Wolf.
Other than that please wait for a better purple (dark).
Whichever hero you choose good luck

Zulag is the only 5* I regret spending tabards and generally 4* ascension mats on. I literally never use her. Never. She might have had some utility, in double defense formations, but since the nereby nerf she’s a waste of tabards. Boss wolf seems like a decent tank, shining in very fast tourneys and wars. The third one, I have no idea, except I never see it on diamond defenses.

Personally, I would wait. I don’t think any of your remaining purples add anything significant to your lineup, so I would make sure you keep that last Tome available for any other options that might come available. I have seen several cases where somebody uses 4* mats because they have them and then get stuck later when they get a better hero or the missing materials to ascend a different color become available.

If you use Cyprian at all it’s got to be worth doing his costume if only for the bonus. Oberon is probably better with the costume than without (not sure about that) and it takes barely any time to whizz up a 3* cossie. Then if all else fails I’d work the lizard up to 3.70 and see if you like him. By then something else will have come along: hopefully a good dark project, but at least a few more tabards and, with any luck, a tome or two.

Do you run mono attack teams in war Ian? I have Zulag at 3-70 and almost never use her but I had envisioned using her on my second purple team if I ever had an abundance of mats so she was leveled up fully.

I like that she throws a minion to everyone on the team since it’s a purple stack in addition to her healing and buffs to three. That being said, there’s a reason that she isn’t leveled yet and keeps getting passed over when I have ascension mats! LOL

The minion is fine, but healing only nereby is not ok at all. Yellow tanks are a rare thing today, so a second purple team is not a priority. My #1 purple would be Kage c.Rigard Proteus Malcina Sartana and #2 purple Stonecleave Rigard Domitia c.Tiburtus c.Quintus. Zulag isn’t on team #2, Rigard heals all, he’ll take that sport.