OK, I have Colen, Shadereave, and Sumitomo ready and enough badges to max out one of them. Which would be the best choice?
Fighters seem to be hard to get…
Of those, in my view, Colen is the only one with a long shelf life. Sumitomo is pretty crap, and Shadereave I’ve just never found a good use case for
I have Colen and Shadereave.
Colen - better IMO for map stages
Shadereave - better for Titans. But depends on Titan difficulty and other heroes. Personally, I stopped using him after moving to my current alliance and fighting 7*-8*, as I need Boldtusk’s heal more than Shadereave’s crit chance. Rounding out the team is Gormek (Def. debuff), Marjana-C (elemental defense debuff), Scarlett (high attack + attack debuff) and Wu Kong. So poor Shadereave cannot fit in…
Both can be quite useful in Very Fast wars and tournaments.
Well that probably explains it. These 14* titans don’t really suit Shady’s delicate constitution
I also prefer Colen. And if you are lucky enough and pull his costume, he is waaaayyy better then the other two.
I have a maxed out Boldtusk, Marjanna (reg), and Hu Tao.
Ironically, I gutted Colen to boost Shadereave and then gutted him to max out Hu Tao…