Which fire hero to LB? (poll)

Hello! I have enough breakers for one fire hero. All are for offence. Mitsuko is on the list, but I already have C Guardian Kong with ice reflect. I’m leaning towards C Marjana because of elemental def town, mostly for titans. But I wanna know what you think. Feel free to comment on your choice. Thanks a lot!
Happy gaming everyone!

  • C Marjana
  • CC Khagan
  • Illmarinen
  • Mitsuko
  • Santa Clause
  • C Tyr

0 voters

I think your instinct is correct. C Marjana will be the most beneficial for you red stacks.

Great list!!

1 Like

I pulled her second costume today so I think destiny just help me to decide :star_struck::star_struck:
Your votes too, thanks!