So, I finally have enough tonics to ascend one of my 5* Greens… (will also be my first 5* ascension).
Which would you pick; Evelyn, Kaliden, or Lianna? I’m flip flopping a lot and cant decide.
Other notables in my roster:
Rigard , Grimm , Buddy, Li Xau, Sumitumo, Wu Kong (all maxed plus talents)
Kiril, boldtusk, Cyprian all maxed.
Some other notables on their way up, but not really a factor yet
Given your other notables I would choose Lianna. You don’t have another pure sniper and she is IMHO frankly the best. Second choice would be Evelyn if you want the dispell. You are covered already for AOE and Kadilen never really impressed me.
Eve will kill in two steps, if there’s a green match beneath the debuffed, but she’s also good @3/70. Lianna oneshots almost every enemy below ~1200lp @4/80.
I’d go Lianna first, then Eve.
Kadilen is only a war girl. Even a maxed Buddy will be better. His attack and defense down is awesome and he casts some attacking and shielding meat.
Based on the team you can put together I would go Leanna since you don’t have a sniper. Evelyn is great but you need at least one hero to get that important kill when needed.
I think you have a good problem here, since Evelyn and Lianna are both great. I do agree with Lianna first because you’re lacking in snipers, and she’s one of the best ones in the game.
If I am not mistaken Eve is tougher at 3-70 than Lianna is. Although I believe Eve to be one of the game changing heroes you may want Lianna 1st IF Eve is at 3-70 (or once Eve is at 3-70).
On a purely standalone basis I would choose Evenlyn because she makes (almost) every green good.
Based on the roster that you posted I believe you will get more from Lianna first but both should be at 3-70 before taking the leap to final ascension on either. Since the majority of your roster is 4* it is safe to assume a top notch 5* at 3-70 will still be viable. From a functional point of view, Eve offers more at 3-70 than Lianna hence Lianna goes first.
Eve is at 3-70. Lianna is almost there. Still a toss up, however I do see Eve better than Lianna at 3-70… so yes the best route may be to Max Lianna now.
Throwing a wrench into this, my TC20 just Delivered me Domita. Does she count as an effective sniper? Does this change things?
( Lianna still seems to be the best pure sniper of the “base” 5* heros)
Domitia at average speed makes her meh as a sniper. But her special attack dispells three targets, which can be useful against raid teams with Ares, Khiona or Guinevere. The yellow elemental barrier can also be useful against heroes like Onatel or Drake Lee.
Domitia is worse than Lianna in general, but there are situations where she shines. I don’t think it really changes things, if you’re asking in terms of Damascus blades and Tomes, then still go with Lianna, then Evelyn.
In your case the answer is easy, first, you have no sniper and lianna is the best, second, Eve at 3/70 is very useful, lianna not so much, so it should be lianna 4/80 and Eve 3/70.
Domitia does not change the calculus of Eve vs Lianna.
Lianna is FAST mana with astounding damage. Simple special no fuss, just kills enemies one at a time. Does it even better if Eve fires first. Lianna is better than many of the special snipers too, she is that good @ 4-80.
Domitia competes with your Dark projects but does not compete with Lianna for sniper.
Domitia and Eve both debuff target and nearby so overlap in that one single aspect.
Definitely Lianna! I raid against her all the time and she’s tough!! She’s fast mana and can one shot kill opponents (if she doesn’t, they will be on the verge of death lol). She is the only vanilla 5* to evade me, but I do have Evelyn. She is great on titans but I don’t use her on defense. I run a rainbow defense so elemental link is out. Evelyn’s debuff is nice, but with Lianna you may not need it because the opponent will be dead;) Evelyn is good at 3-70 and will wait patiently for your next set of tonics