Where to spend Challenge Tokens?

I accumulated some challenge tokens over the past months and my fingers are getting itchy to use them. I have no dreams of getting some event 5* hero (I never pull 5*, I’m used to it :slightly_smiling_face:), but I just might get lucky and pull an useful event 4*. So my dilemma is where to spend the tokens?

My only event hero so far is one 4/70 Gaffar, which I almost never use, but could prove useful against field aid from time to time, so any addition would be welcomed. But what should I pull for? Which event to choose? Who are the overall most useful event 4* to aim for?

Here’s my thoughts on the matter, based on facing them in battle.

Knights of Avalon

Lancelot and Merlin - so, so, ok to have around, but not very useful…

Pirates of Corellia

Boomer - definitely NO
Peters - interesting, but not quite convincing


C. of diamonds - NO
The cat - NO

Fables of Grimforest

Hansel - amazing, definitely yes!
Grethel - far from her brother, but all right

Gardians of Teltoc

Falcon and Jackal - great on titans and above average on raids, especially in mono teams.

I’m undecided between Hansel, Falcon and Jackal… Any thoughts on this matter?


Guardians would be my choice because it has 3 elemental defense debuffers, a special is which really invaluable for titans. :slight_smile:


Mono raids also. Gaurdians are one of my choices, too. Hansel on the other hand, useful for his great special skill. Mana controller, second only to Proteus, among 4*. Hard choice…


How many coins / pulls do you have?
Generally speaking I’d say Guardians of Teltoc because of the three elemental def down heroes. :slight_smile:

Not true, sorry. Pirates has Peters and Avalon has Merlin. Both control mana as well (and Gretel from Grimforest as well).
Pirates might be my second choice because it has Peters (similar to Hansel) but better 5* heroes than the current Grimforest event (in my opinion).

But you’re sure you’re talking about the red/orange challenge coins that you get from killing chests during your event runs, right? Because you mentioned Gafar in your opening post who is a seasonal event hero. You can use epic hero tokens for those, but no challenge tokens.

Yes, good point, Gaffar is off topic, but still the only event hero I have :slightly_smiling_face:

I collected enough tokens for 10 pulls, from the day they were introduced until now. First event was the best in terms of tokens. I collected 40 then. Last month I barely managed to put together 20, after 200+ runs. Now, I already got 23, with 1 day and 10 hours to go.This includes the tier completion rewards.

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Good morning, you caught me! I had my own query a few days ago! In fact, I had made it a topic in the forum and the Guardsman’s view prevailed! Certainly better opportunities!

Ok, 10 is a decent amount. I’d try during Teltoc. Those elemental def downs will bring you the furthest / help you the most imo. With 10 pulls you’ll have a decent chance of obtaining at least one of them, hopefully both! And they’ll improve your titan scores, hence you’ll get better loots and improve faster.

Little side note: Teltoc will be in Feburary iirc and Feburary HOTM looks really good right now. At least better than the current month’s HOTM. :smile:

Thread to a similar effect:

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Thought about it, too. Grimble isn’t quite a rock star…My titan scores could need some improvements, too. My top score is just shy of 100K on a green 9*. Should I had Falcon then, it would have been an epic hit for sure…

Not even pho close!

Falcon and Jackal.

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Thanks, @Guvnor!

20 walking dead one eyed guv’nors :laughing:


Yeah I’m saving my event coins and gems for guardians!
I already have a falcon and jackal! So want a panther and the new ones look pretty cool too!
Plus if I got a second jackal or falcon I ain’t gonna complain!

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Go with guardians because half of the elemental defense down heroes are in that event. The others that aren’t in there are HoTMs.

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