Where to priortize the next Blue to focus on

Hello friends!

Been hording EHTs and decided to use 10 of them for the Sand Event. Last pull got Hero of the Month. I’m sorely lacking in Blue 5* (only Vela) so he’s a godsend. So I’m on the last lap maxing Grimm and will be done in a week or so. So who’s next?

  1. Raffy. My other 5* healer is Kunchen and I have all the 4* healers but the woolerton.
  2. Kiril Costume. I have two maxed Kirils, one with 9 emblems. Got costume Tibs maxed, would be nice to have the bandmates together
  3. Second Sonya with Costume. My first Sonya has 9 emblems with the costume. I maxed her before I knew I could max my other with 17 emblems. I use them both A LOT.

Early thank you for the suggestions! Stay Safe.


IMO, if you have blue mana troop lvl5 above, I would start Kiril Costume 1st.
If not, maybe start Raffael to 3.70, he is sturdy at 3 tier.


Solid advice and I do have a good mana troop. Didn’t think of that.

Costume Kiril is very good…

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Congrats on your Raffaele! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
In my opinion, I would work on Kiril Costume first before other heroes. I have 2 copies of regular Kiril that I use a lot and I wouldn’t even have a second thought on leveling his costume first whenever I get it.
Second Sonya Costume would be my next choice. Her ailment status dispeller makes her very useful for war, raids etc.,
Good luck!

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Excellent Magnifique! It’s tough not doing the C Kiril with average mana going to fast with the bonus +mana troop. Seems to make the most sense for blue stacking.


Another vote for costume Kiril. The bonus stats and mana boost alone are worth the minimal investment, even if you don’t have emblems on him. The costume special is a nice option as well.

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I would also do the costume Kiril. That will be so much quicker/easier. Then I’d work on Raf.

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Yep… another vote for cKiril… then another Sonya plus costume (I run mono so having a dispel and cleanse is awesome)… Raff to 3/70 after that…

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