What is your 4* Ascension Material Strategy leading into S3

At this point, we all know that S3 will be coming sometime in the next year. Since I wasn’t here for the launch of S2, I can only assume there was a month or two lead up/notification that S2 was coming and I will, for argument sake, assume the same will happen for S3.

Here are the things I am considering and my current strategy…pending my stalking of better strategies I hear about here :slight_smile:

  • Power Creep is real: I assume S3 heroes will be stronger, better, and have more interesting specials.
  • I am assuming they will take the same AMs at S1/S2…but if not, thats a whole different discussion
  • I personally pull pretty often so I have a BIG bench of A+ heroes currently waiting for AMs
  • I buy mats as often as I buy heroes
  • I don’t want to not be able to ascend whatever new fantastic hero pops up because I couldn’t be patient.

My plan/strategy

  • I am focusing mainly on 1-4* heroes today. I am building out 1/2* teams for tournaments (not a key focus, but doing a bit here and there), I continue to build out 3* teams for events and tournaments (Leveling 3s is fun and fast), I am putting most of my effort into great 4 heroes
    -I will only ascend 5* heroes that are A+ (not based on the grading sheet, but my own analysis)
    -I will only ascend 5* heroes when I have 12+ of any one given 4* mat
    -5* will still be brought up to 3/70 for easy ascension if S3 heros disappoint or I don’t get who I want
  • When S3 is announced to be coming soon, I will stop all leveling, pulling, etc and go hard to pull the heroes I want day 1 and max them ASAP.


  • The TOP 5* heroes I would like to max today, but am waiting till I have the previously mentioned 12+ mats
  • KGB, Zim, King Arthur, Finley, Joon, Kingston, Morgan LF, Black Knight, Grazul
    -My current 4* and 3* AM situation

12 Damascus Blades
10 Tomes
9 Farsight Telescopes
11 Mysterious Tonics
5 Mystic Rings
5 Poison Darts
3 Royal Tabards

50 Compass
50 Fine Gloves
35 Hidden blades
29 Orbs of Magic
32 Sturdy Shields
18 Trap Tools
19 Warm Capes

Also, it may help to know that I have enough 5/4* heros currently leveled to more than keep up with 12* titans, do well in wars, raid to the top 100 every other day, etc. etc.

All that being said, what is your strategy? Do you have one? Are you planning that far ahead?


Your strat makes sense, and even though I’m a cheap player (more free than cheap tbh) and pull very little, my strategy is very similar too.

Usually what I get are gem deals or VIP deals rather than mats. So my bench right now still needs development.

That means that I am overflowing in certain materials, colors where I didn’t get lucky. I have 16 telescopes for e.g., but had no blue 5* until this morning (1 EHT gave me Magni).

Usually I hoard the color specific mats until I have around 12. Once I’m at 12 of those mats, I’ll ascend whoever as even if I pull a better hero, I’ll still have another 6 for them.

If I start running low on the shared ones (d-blades, tomes) then I just work on 3*s or 4*s. May as well, to develop my raid tournament / challenge event benches

I’m still very iffy on touching 2* and 1* heroes though… 28 tournaments so far, and only one of them was for 2* heroes: 🏅 Raid Tournaments – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring, Restrictions, Special Rules, and Rewards


I’m not personally changing my strategy as I don’t want to commit myself to future pulls so early and I often find if I wait on a specific hero for a long time with an idea to max them right when I get them… I pull more then I’d like and, worst case, if I eventually still don’t get them I’m left more upset then I would have been if I had just maxed a great hero that I already have. I’m certain there will be power creep, as there has continued to be, but I have 10 heroes in my pipeline that I’d love to max already and will synergize well with the teams I’ve created … I’m not going to wait on what might be, so long as I pay in enough, when I’m already behind on heroes I want maxed as is and when adding a new shiny hero to my roster never really seems to be this huge impactful thing in the end anyway … I guess what I’m saying is… I’m a bit over chasing a carrot on a stick that just keeps getting further away.

Super fair points and I fully expected this to be the strategy of most actually.

I would agree on a lot of your points, I personally, just want to make sure that I am in a good position to max that special hero if I do get them…If I don’t, then it’s back to this list:

Congrats on that! Very exciting.

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I get it for sure and I’ve saved mats for specific heroes previously and it made a lot of sense for me at the time… but where I am with the amount of maxed 5s I have now, I’m just no longer seeing a roster shaking improvement hero to hero so I’m working on being a bit less pully and being more happy to max a solid hero I already have as opposed to spend chasing one I don’t. If I happen to pull a season 3 with my more limited pull ideas, great, they’ll still be there when I get the mats for them.

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