What hero to upgrade?

I have a dilemma because I already have many 5 * heroes, so my question is who to do first.
yellow: Vivica, Joon, Leonidas
purple: Domitia, Sartana, Clarissa, Obakan;
Blue: Magni, Raffaele, Isarnia, Thorne, Master Lepus
green: Kingston, Lianna, Zocc, Ratatoskr, Elkanen, Horgall,

Will you provide more on what you have already?
Shooting blind here are my thoughts:
Yellow: Joon or Viv (if you need a healer)
Purple: Sartana or Clarissa (I’d lean Clarissa)
Blue: Magni, Raf, or Isarnia (depending on what you need). I expect someone to make a case for Lepus
Green: Kingston or Rat

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It is easier to list a couple you definitely should NOT level at this stage with your other choices…

Domitia Okaban Elkanen and Horghall. Also Leo

You cant go wrong with Joon, Sartana, Lianna, Kingston, Clarissa or Lepus. They do high dmg át they are useful overall. If you need a healer do vivica or Raffaele, if you ask me i would do Raffaele instead of viv. Ratatoskr is a great hero but mostly in a green stack so if you dont already have a deep bench i would not choose him. I would not level up Obakan, Horghall, or Zocc unless you dont have other options but you clearly do.

^^ ^^ ^^
What he said … however
If you pull in the costume chamber, the new costume for Leonidas is a must have.
Whichever hero you choose good luck

I would love some advice here too please! Ive been feeding heros according to colour, so generally upping 4 at once, but im now not sure which heroes i should be prioritising can anyone help with some advice? Will try to post what i have.

Hi Sammtgirl7! Welcome to the forum. Lots of very helpful people round here…well, except anyone who suggested Clarissa to be given tabards (I jest).

Might be a better idea to start a new thread and give us a look at your full roster as well as what you think you need/want to do. Sure a few of us will chime in with our opinions.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :desert_island:


I suggest finishing off one hero per color at a time. otherwise you have a bunch of partially levelled ones…

  1. Purple - Rigard and Renfeld costume first, both are so close to being done, so just finish them. Then depending on your materials, finish Domitia or start on Sabina - dispel is very important. Then I would do Cyprian or Tiburtus, depending on which you think you need more - Tiburtus’ defense down is all-around good esp. on Titans, but Cyprian can be good both defense or offense too

  2. Red - c-Azar gives you mana control but TBH I think you are ready to focus on 4*s. Lemminikainen, then Colen, as they are btoh in final ascension anyway

cannot see enough of your Blue, Green and Yellow teams, so no comments


Thabks will do that!