Which Hero to Upgrade?

Hi everyone, I’ve been playing a while now but sm a bit at a standstill as to which heroes to upgrade first over others.
Any suggestions very gratefully recieved.

You need to finish them off before switching.

Junaid, Colen, Boldtusk

Rigard, Sabina

Goldie, G. Jackal,

Kiril, Grimm, Frank

Ginger, Melandor,

All worth finishing off in my opinion.


Lots of healers yeah?

Finish off those that you have used mats for - Rigard, Colen, Grimm and Goldie etc. Then for me personally I would focus on:
Yellow: Guardian Jackal
Purple: Sabina and costumes
Red: Boldtusk and Scarlett
Blue: Sonya, Frank, Kiril and costumes
Green: Melendor and Caedmon
That will take you a while
Then come back to the forum and ask again
Another bit of advice would be for you to join a family of alliances that will support your choices
Whichever heroes you choose, good luck


Start with maxing costumes for the heroes you have already maxed, especially if you went to all the trouble to LB2 them!

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Healers are essential. My raid defence carries 2 and I use 2 on many attacks.

As others have said, its also about committing to the heroes ypu have already started but not quite finished. It wont take long to finish some of those. Emblems, LB1 and LB2 will obviously make them more sturdy but those are discussions for a later date. In the case of Junaid, youve done the LB1 but not done the levels, which is wasting those materials. He hits and heals so I use him all the time.

I see youve LB2 Nashgar. If you havent maxed the costume then again, possibly not making the most of the materials you have committed.

Colen’s costume has made him quite an attacking asset. Id level him just in case you pull his costume from the chamber. Goldie is regarded as possibly the best 4* hero in the game (@Homaclese says so!). Some of the healers you are working on as much for things like dispell or attack up as you are for their healing abilities. Dont overlook their secondary talents. Jackal has elemental defense down, so great for pairing with other hitters to make them stronger or for raising your titan scores to grab ‘better’ rewards.


Also, if you have Alpha Aethers available, an LB2 for Shrubbear is a worthy use of them.

Until you find a higher level Taunt hero, the Shrub is very very useful. It will absorb attacks while your other heroes charge their specials.

Shrub can be used across many areas of the game, not just PvP.


I agree Goldie best four star I use as a tank - even made the 3000 club with her take her all the way.


Don´t know if she´s the best, but she is the first 4 star hero that I got LB2 :smiley:

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Anyone you rate higher?

Aside from the newest event heroes and costumes, your strongest heroes will be the s5 because of their many passives and higher stats. So I’d recommend Ahhotep - gaining mana on enemy death is a gamechanger. Like everyone else, I’d recommend Goldie. Ginger is your strongest 5*, and from a brief glance Kiril’s second costume is your only overhealer. Overheal + riposte (in your case, Cyprian / Boril) lets you punch way above your weight, as the opponent knocks themself out with their own special.

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Rigard’s second costume also overheals, as does Kashrek’s (to 3).

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Tough one. Depends, of course, on the purpose.

Titans: Goldie is mainly amazing for MTs, sharing top place with Franz though. Still OK on daily titans, but not nearly as impactful as Franz, CWilbur or Sharky for example, even the EDDs are probably ahead of Goldie on the dailies…

Wars/5star content: Goldie might be top of the crop for offense. Hard to compare her to Waddles though. I love them both fortheir respective tasks. Even toon healers play in the same class, I find, depending on situation. For defense I guess C2Cyprian is still the best 4star purple tank meaning the FTP option for people that don´t have a good 5star (and definitely better than most old 5stars like Freya etc).

4star tourneys: C2Caedmon is definitely the most dominating hero. C2Cyprian for defense. Goldie is just one of many good healers in that format.

And then there are the more niche uses, like events etc. where Goldie doesn´t really stand out at all. Guess good old Wilbur takes that crown and behind him you´ll get mostly various costumes of S1 hitters (like Colen and Grimm) and EDDs/DDs.

And then there is all the stuff I am not even thinking of right now lol. So is she best? I can´t say. She´s very good and definitely worth every LB. But so are others. Why did I LB2 her above all other 4stars? Well simply because I don´t have a good yellow healer. The only 5star healer I have in yellow is Dabria and she´s well good, but not amazing. So Goldie is my Nr.1 yellow healer. And I usually play 2 yellow support stacks every war, so it will be a long time before she gets retired.

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