What do you face in Rush Wars?


Background to the OP question: I’m from a top alliance and continually face the same setup each rush wars of Alfrike/ Ludwig Tanks, more alfrike on wing, lots of revivers (usually 2 per defence) and then overheal/ taunt…

Some examples:

So basically the defences consist of:

  • Tank of either Alfrike, Ludwig or Treeville
  • Flank with Taunt or Overheal or Mana Control
  • Wings being revivers.

Yeah… It’s filthy and it makes rush wars ■■■■■ terrible…

:question: So what do you face?

So yeah, I’m curious what sort of defences you face & what the tank/ setup preferences seem to be.

Do you see a lot of LBd treeville on defences without alfrike? Or something different???

Also please include approx your alliances ranking if you can :slight_smile:


So my alliance is nowhere near the top, alliance rank ~6500, total alliance score ~200k, war score ~80k.

The defense teams are a real mixed bag. but regarding the specific heroes you mentioned, out of 23 teams each side (well, 24 their side :roll_eyes:) there are 0 treevils, 0 Ludwigs. we have 3 Alfrikes and 3 taunters, they have none. there are 5 revivers on each side, mostly MN, with a couple Heimdall on our side. we have 5 Gullis, they have 3.

so yeah, it’s a bit different down here. but hey, maybe i should try putting Treevil on my defense for the next war. i don’t have a reviver though. except Gramps, and he’s not leveled up yet. :laughing:

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Funny I am testing spot 1 Costume Mother North, tank Alfrike and instead of costume Alberich spot 5 giving Nadezhda a run in spot 5 for the first time all 20s. I have not yet come across with cMN and Nadezhda in same defence team rush yet. Happy Gaming!!

I would definitely suggest trying out treeville:)

It sounds dumb but the combination of his effects is a super pain. And in rush everything is firing so fast that him being a 3* matters not as much

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I used treevil now for rush, only swapping out him this time for Rayne to test her out. The tree proves time and time again to perform for me and I will be using him only for rush tank

Try Rayne in wing spot if you’re short a reviver?

Our stats show that colour stacking on defence makes no difference in rush wars… Which is dumb.

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I only face lots of alfrikes and mother north reviving %100 in defense :slight_smile: today she revived all heroes in two turns, not a miss.

There should be a Tom Sawyer hero for Rush wars.

I have revivers on both wing sides and my flanks (c Alby and Heimdall). Both revivers support each other very well with c alby’s e link. For flanks I use c Vanda to prevent kravekrush’s anti revive and also an AOE hitter for some firepower. So treevil is always tank for me.

Very interesting topic idea.

My alliance war power is around 120k
Current ranking 1918

In v.fast wars most of our enemies use at least 2-3 S1 slow heroes (similar to us), there are always Alfrike/Ludwig or another beasts but only in up to ~10 teams.

One person is trying Treevil with 2 golden Pigs and his defence works better than mine with Alfrike, Xnol and Krampus :sweat_smile:

From what I see in current war I have to say that Bertilla is great flank, teams with her haven’t been oneshooted since the beggining. So if someone have her she is worth it.

We are constantly top 100, I think last war we were considered place 60 in the top 100 war ranking here in the forum after loosing 2 battles.

On our side we have some Alfrikes, probably 20+.
Revivers even more, I think I and maybe 2 or 3 others are the only one without a reviver.
We also have 2 or 3 limit broken Treeviles doing well normally.

Our opponent this time is rather tame, maybe around 15 Alfrikes and a little bit more revive wings.
But we also already faced 25+ Alfrike opponents.

I personally like those double revive/taunt, Alfrike teams, they are not as bad as some else. You just have to counter Alfrike and if this works the other 4 heroes don’t do much.
I always try to block Alfrikes mana or get protection on my side or taunt on my side.
After that I have a few turns to kill the Revivers or block everything and if they are dead the battle is most of the time over.

I have much more problems with Alfrike tank and aggressive flanks or wings, maybe 1 reviver or (over)healer. This is much more stressing, because great I blocked Alfrike and mother north on the left side, sadly the right side with Santa and guardian owl wiped out my team :sweat_smile:

Agreed… I flank my Alfrike with my Tree, which yields mainly O/S.

The defenses at our level (top 50/top 100) are almost as awful as yours. Fairly even mix between Alfrike and Tree tanks, with 2 Xnols and 1 Hulda. Lots of taunters and revivers.

The Hulda got beaten to a bloody pulp…

Hi Gov,
we from 7DU are facing usually a lot of Alf, Ludwig,Treevil tanks with one or two revivers and a Krampus/BK in rush. This war we are lucky, only 5 Alfs, few Xnols and some different color tanks. Looks like an easy win.
Last war we had 16 out of 30 Ferant tanks, that was really annoying and we won only with less than 200 points.
Sometimes its no fun to fight 10 or more nearly identical teams. In Hunting you will have a lot more of this „ uniformed“ opponents.

Actually we are ranked 218 by SG.
Our war score is nearly 149000. Hopefully Beezer will rank us soon, „ only“ 3500 points to go.

Happy gaming

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My alliance is ranked ~5500 (when we had 30 members we were ranked 1000-2000). Today’s war has relatively easier opponents than usual.

One alfrike
Two ludwig
Six revivers

Unrelated I just realized they follow color coordination by position. I don’t get it.

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Thanks for fixing the wrong name @Guvnor

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This reminds me why I left top alliances :sweat_smile:

Currently in a top 500ish and all the Alfrikes, revivers, taunters and overhealers are there, plus squid guys and dodgers scattered around. Maybe not as many multiple revivers like you face, and geezus those troops… 3 maxed of the same color…

Get use to it cuz it aint going away. VF wars will only get “tolerable” if they maybe force specific tank colors or maybe a color specific def setup.

We had plenty of Chakzarot or whatever the purple lizard’s name is, and the second most frequent one was Kunchen. Only one Alfrike and one Xnolopoplolod. But every team had a reviver.

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I play solo, I don’t have those issues with teams having all of this card or all of them cards.

I get the same rewards and quite enjoy it.

This was my opponent today ~


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My alliance is typically ranked in the 12000 range. We currently have 17 opted in for war.

This rush war we faced all (well, mostly) blue tanks, which seems to be popular at our level. One tanked Alfrike. One tanked Gullinbursti. The higher teams had Krampus, Pengi, Skadi, Cathal … also with a few Ludwig and Mama North. That combo in rush is pretty fierce. Netted me a zero on one attack.

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